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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023

  • I didn’t immediately recognise the mos so I googled and the first result is someone trying to ensure they get selected for it haha. I wouldn’t expect it to be fired from the drone but again I won’t guess why because others will speculate too and we’ll be crowd sourcing intel.

    Part of my soul is sad to know that little guy won’t be able to live out his PHUNK KAWWWOOOOSSSHHHH KABOOM dreams

    This had no right being as loud and satisfying as it was.

    Better than getting teased by trying to bracket camels and taking bets on whether it would track.

    This I would love to hear more about if you feel like it.

  • Really into local hosting and open LLM’s I’ve largely stepped back due to ‘fatigue’. I’ve downloaded tweaked and reshuffle models and programs then a couple months will pass and it’s lept forward again. Which is good but I figured I’d wait until it slowed a bit.

    I will say the fact I can run a decent 7b and even 10b models and get decent responses and times with a 3070 is impressive. AnythingLLM has been a really handy program for me. Still in development but it’s been neat working with RAG. I also moved from textgen to LMStudio and am really liking it. I like textgen but I felt it got a bit side tracked. A lot of good suggestions in here so cheers OP.

  • Nah I agree. I also have to remind myself of similar when talking about artist I don’t like. You gotta give props where they’re due and I think her sales number do a lot of that talking. I don’t like most of her music either, won’t deny I loved blank spaces but have been aware of Swifties for a minute. Again however, any shade I throw at the first coworker who I’m thinking of I can’t do without mentioning it was over a decade ago. Swift has had a growing, nearly fervent fan base since. As “pop” as it may be, which I don’t generally like, if I thought it was that shit why don’t I go out and make said shit and become a millionaire?

  • I personally think self medicating should be strongly discouraged in the community. Obviously, people who are already diagnosed and are dealing with medication shortages is one thing.

    People diagnosing themselves is another. I not only understand mods not allowing it but support it. Taking stimulant medication can have a variety of health implications and require monitoring; especially when determining dosage and the proper medication regime. Fostering a sentiment of “I know my body == I have a degree in medicine” shouldn’t be done here (or anywhere imo).

    I’ve already seen T mentioned in comparison. Which is a class C drug (2 years in prison). Amphetamines are class B (5 years). That’s just in uk, in Aus it’s a a schedule 8 (highly controlled drug with serious penalties for possession). Allowing a community to advocate for self medication, especially in a community where our treatment is amphetamine, is just a bad idea and would be a great way to get a real unhealthy community real quick.

  • You picked up the bitchiness of my post but not the entire subtext. My point is when using the same quote we’re able came to quite different conclusions. One assuming the IT guy did know but merely likened it to “magic” in order to not explain it to a lay person, for whatever reason. Another assuming they don’t know a key concept and are therefore a complete failure.

    And yes, I can say someone who works in IT who doesn’t know what DNS is, is a failure.

    Like even a trainee? A student? A failure in what way. It just feels like a weird put down. Presumably everyone has to learn it at some point as they begin their IT career. So the idea that they’re a failure until then and that DNS is the bar, is a peculiar world lens in my view.

    Sorry if it hurts their feelings but maybe they’re not yet familiar with a concept called qualifications, credentials, experience, expertise, knowledge, skills… you know, silly old fashioned stuff like that.

    Feelings aren’t really the point, the unnecessary extremes like labelling people “complete failures” is closer to it. You can give objective and concise criticism, which is more than capable of “hurting feelings” by the way, and not seem to be intentionally abrasive in doing so. Like the second quote you can surely see especially after the ellipsis, it’s condescending right? Unless you believe we live in an age of zero qualifications, credentials or knowledge. If so, you understand that apologising for hurting feelings prior is clearly performative and how that is perceived.

    Also, I’m disappointed to inform you but all of that “old fashion” stuff is very much still the case. Hell weren’t there articles on lemmy about older generations agreeing that younger generation face an absolutely ridiculous job market? The “must have 5 years experience in a 2 year old language” memes? I don’t think it’s an age issue, generational maybe. I’m not middle age but I’m definitely not that young either. It unfortunate how often inter-generational shit flinging occurs.

  • Your quote to me sounds like someone who’s making a joke out a subject they don’t want to have to explain to a lay person.

    Interesting you went to branding them complete failures over it though. Right before comparing IT workers to fucking doctors lmao.

    Jesus. In my day you had to be an expert and know your shit. I guess nowadays it’s just free for all?

    Truth is society as a whole started coasting about a decade after you joined the work force. We figured, fuck it Andy’ll take care of it.

  • Honestly, expect shit to go wrong. Sounds like you’ve gotten all the important shit done. You’ve got a plan, you’ve been working towards it for a while and seems like your partner is into it as well.

    We had a similar trip a few years back, first time overseas for some of us. Lots of planning and preparation went into it. Then our trip planner fucked up one of our bookings in Paris. Meaning we almost missed out on doing some tour that ended on the Eiffel Tower. A couple of times trains were missed/delayed.

    The only times the trip strayed away from being the fantastic trip it was is because people let small (and sometime not so small, to be fair) disappointments or missed expectations turn into high stress/anxiety events. You’re going overseas, shit may go wrong; be ready for it and be cool with it (while also making sure you have travel insurance). Also take time away to do shit yourselves that the other may not want to do and always have set meeting times and locations to check in if you do.

  • You know those aren’t the members I’m referring to. I haven’t referred to you by the wrong pronoun or misgendered you. I simply haven’t capitalised non-gendered possessive/adjective pronouns. You think these should be capitalised due to identifying as a goddess. As someone else mentioned it reeks of co-opting trans issues. Anyway, given you’ve reported me, I’m going to leave it here.

  • Yes, and as per the blog the other user linked people have a habit of posting Medium links under the guise of providing supporting information. Given you made a claim “x proves y” you and other people who post Medium links like this probably know “but here’s a link to my blog that is also just my opinion” probably doesn’t hit the same.