This is genius but too high effort. You may sit on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of shitost.
This is outrageous and unfair, also a very unusual state of affairs
This is an 11/10
I’m thinking about it and now my brain hurty
Listen, I’ve been to Milwaukee…
In Oregon, the township is Milwaukie
I’ve drank their “Best”.
This is new Milwaukee.
It tastes almost as great as it’s name.
The joke would have landed for me if you had chosen Wisconsin.
Yeah but Wisconsin is more of a medium soda so it wouldn’t make sense.
I have learned so much about shitposting from this single post.
Caution, US-exclusive meme ahead!
Even if you’re American it’s still nonsensical
I thinks it’s supposed to be Mini-soda -> Minnesota but the state shown is Oregon
That’s the joke , numbnuts.
Be nice.
How to tell the dumbest of the dumbasses in a thread
Yeah i know that you limp-dicked fuckface. I was just explaining it to our foreign friend here
Be nice, even if they weren’t first.
Sowee I’ll do better
Nothing funnier than an explained joke 👍
Q: What’s less funny than an explained joke?
A: Someone bitching about explaining jokes
I’m sorry tummy issues making me cranky
Wait, the joke has wrong geography on purpose, numbnuts?
really? you’re supposed to know it’s not Minnesota. SUCH AS AMERICANS.
but I guess you grokked the comment like an average American so there’s that.
Yeah I was wondering why Minnesota was suddenly a coastal state (enourmous lakes excluded obviously)
The punchline is obvoiusly: Florida.
I think that’s the part that makes it a shit post
don’t worry, we, the rest of the world, have geography lessons. I know it’s California in the picture which is why the joke is so funny.
Tiny soda?
Now I get it
Small pop
Petite libation
I’ve never felt so stupid in my life.
It’s Minne-pop okay.
Alright fellow Oregonians, grab your torches and pitchforks, we meet at OP’s house tomorrow.
I’ll bring beer
I’ll bring weed
I’ll bring hammocks
I’ll bring those little 8oz cans of Coca-Cola