Id just use a random name sheet. Get some fancy names print em out sprinkle in a little setting specific stuff and roll dice for it. 100 names each and a D100 will do the trick, if its not fitting at all, just roll again.
Our player who likes doing this to the DM: “So they’re giving us horses? What are the horses’ names?” Our DM: “…no. You choose.”
“Dasher, Dancer, Prancer…”
“His name is Meatball”
“Horsey McHorseFace.”
“You no longer have the right to choose.”
This is how I accidentally named one guy “ThisGuy” and the other, “Thatguy.”
On the plus side, Jim Bob the bridge builder is a long term friend I keep looking up when we visit town.
“They aren’t attached enough to the horses to have chosen names for them, they are referred to by their coat colour.”
“What colours are they?”