While logical; Much of society doesn’t see that as an acceptable option EVER, let alone due to financial hardship.
Then there’s the dystopia that is enforcing that in any way… What are you going to do, inspect every women every 6mo? That’s not acceptable at all. Some sort of checkpoint at maternity wards? Now women are afraid of hospitals and giving birth without care at home…
The only real solution is to provide support to those that can’t afford it, and work towards a more educated society that has the stability to plan ahead for such things.
While logical; Much of society doesn’t see that as an acceptable option EVER, let alone due to financial hardship.
Then there’s the dystopia that is enforcing that in any way… What are you going to do, inspect every women every 6mo? That’s not acceptable at all. Some sort of checkpoint at maternity wards? Now women are afraid of hospitals and giving birth without care at home…
The only real solution is to provide support to those that can’t afford it, and work towards a more educated society that has the stability to plan ahead for such things.