Lol I skimmed through and was like: wtf, I recognize this username, did they get hacked?
Then I re-read. Got me in the first half, not gonna lie.
Assigned farmer at birth? All farmers are bastards?
You decide
Never witnessed a whitetext before
I send green texts to my greatgandma all the time as a text, she doesn’t respond though, she has dementia I think.
Had me in the first half, ngl
Is this an attention span test?
> frame greentext into imessage bubbles
> text isn’t even green
> round corners with an angle grinder for pixels
> imacontentcreator.jpeg
They had us in the first half not gonna lie
To be fair, if farmers ain’t happy, ain’t nobody gonna be happy.
yeah I don’t get what this post is trying to say?
It’s a bait and switch. You think they’re talking about trans people, and surprise, they’re talking about farmers.
What’s the message? If you’re transphobic, the message is “I was agreeing with and hating every one of those points until I found out it was about the thing I like”
Farmers are never happy. They are miserable bastards.