I need to win an argument
Teal. The color name you are looking for is: teal.
More blue then green, my fav color teal :)
Hatsune Miku
I knew from being a sharks fan this was Teal.
Ok op cards on the table, what did you say it was?
Depends. Are you Japanese?
Depends. Are you racist against Japanese people?
No. It’s that Japanese language does not really differentiate between blue and green especially in ambiguous hues like this one, so there is no good answer to your question if you have to reply in japanese
White and gold.
This is Dark Teal
It’s called teal when it’s between green and blue because of this very type of argument.
It’s 1993
It’s not blue or green, It’sTeal or Turquoise
Go learn some other colors than blue, green and yellow 😘
Yellow is just bring orange
No, orange is yellow plus red.
Also, “bright” does not change the hue, a bright blue is still blue, with the possible etymology exception of red because “bright” (white) red becomes what we call pink (which is, you got it, actually a very light red).
Brown, however, is actually just dark orange. And that’s a mindfuck to me
Yeah and then you have reddish browns and greenish briwns, it’s a whole world.
BTW lots of downvoting people in the thread lol
It’s pink.
Tap for spoiler
I’m color blind.