is that harmful for my future job opportunities?? what if a company wants to see my iq and they see 86? am i not able to do a lot of things?? i mean i like linux, i’ve programmed websites and stuff so i thought i had 130 or 120 iq!!! but oh well, what will happen?? now that i know my iq?? thank you!!
The only thing an IQ test actually tests is your ability to do IQ tests.
Not using proper punctuation or capitalization will hurt your future job opportunities more.
If an employer wants to see your IQ, you probably do not want to work there regardless.
It’s an even number so you’re fine 👍
Thats low but there is a lot of debate around its validity and what its measuring. One thing to keep in mind are the scores are normalized and age can be a big factor. Its general intelligence so your likely to have the best score when you just finished up your broad education. So like second half of college maybe in the summer so it would not take away from your studies. Once you stop regularly studying a liberal arts style education you are likely not to do as well as your brain is mostly split involved between whatever your career is about, whatever you need to do for your lifestyle day to day, and whatever your interests are after that.
No one will ever ask. Most people have never taken a test. Scores from free tests online will probably not be the same as those given by a neuropsych, diagnostician, etc.
And since it’s basically open to interpretations no two of those will agree anyway.
86? That’s like the double of our entire company management combined! You’ll do good.
The only people I’ve encountered that unironically cared about IQ were the most insufferable assholes
- programming doesn’t mean you have a high IQ, I should know, I’m a pro and I’ve worked with some absolute dullards
- high IQ doesn’t mean you’re not a dumbass, I should know, i have 123 iq and am a dumbass.
- free online tests are always bullshit, the only reputable ones are paid
- how old are you that you’re worrying about this and who put this moronic worry into you?
“People who boast about their IQ are losers”
-Stephen Hawking
The results of IQ tests vary from country to country, from city to city, and depend a lot on socio-economic, educational, and cultural background. They can be a good bit of fun but aren’t consistently reliable. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
If it wasn’t Stanford-Binet or Wechsler, ignore it entirely.
86 is well within functional levels.
There’s absolutely no reason anyone would ask you for an IQ score to get a job (unless you’re a cop, and then they want it low anyway). That’s partly because it’s instilled useless info, and partly because most people don’t know theirs.
Seriously, IQ scores don’t mean much at all. The only real use for them is for people with learning disabilities, to help guide them to appropriate resources. That’s it. If you’re in the normative range, it’s a useless number. It’s essentially a waste of your time to have taken it.
Besides, you can have genius number IQs, and it doesn’t mean shit either. There’s so many other factors that matter in terms of what you can and can’t do that even at the highest possible scores, it won’t give you an automatic advantage in everything.
It doesnt really matter as far as I know
it’s just a metric test yea? thanks
If you are in the states, it is a standard test, we do not do metric.
Why do you refuse to call it an imperial test? What are you hiding?
A “metric” is another word for something that is used as a way of measuring a specific object, task, quality/characteristic, or goal.
For instance, “what metric are you using to measure inteligence?” is asking what criteria are being used to evaluate the intelligence of a particular subject (whether that’s humans, animals, AI, etc.).
An IQ score is an example of a metric of intelligence, though there’s evidence to suggest that IQ is not a good metric of intelligence.
And in the states we don’t do metric, we do standard.
The word metric doesn’t always refer to the metric system… It has another entirely separate meaning.
Is the joke that you’re an idiot?
It’s bullshit.
My IQ result was rather high, but there’s NO WAY it’s representative of my intelligence. I am, objectively, just not that smart. I know this. But my result??? Lol!