kinda sounds like The Outer Worlds, in a way. Which is kinda the feel I got from some youtube videos I watched about the game. Got to wonder how on earth the current 70€ pricetag is in any way justified.
Oh well, wishlistforgotten, maybe some sale notification at some point comes a long
I thought it was okay, though not without it’s issues. The itemization (everything being “standard -> better -> betterer -> best”) and the size of the playable areas were kinda weak.
IIRC Finished the main game twice, couldn’t be arsed with the dlc though.
For me it was just the writing. I could only take so many variations of “ha ha corporation bad.“ And I agree with them! I just needed a new joke after the 30th variation of the same punchline.
kinda sounds like The Outer Worlds, in a way. Which is kinda the feel I got from some youtube videos I watched about the game. Got to wonder how on earth the current 70€ pricetag is in any way justified.
Oh well, wishlistforgotten, maybe some sale notification at some point comes a long
Outer Worlds was so try hard I couldn’t get past 5-6hrs of play
I thought it was okay, though not without it’s issues. The itemization (everything being “standard -> better -> betterer -> best”) and the size of the playable areas were kinda weak.
IIRC Finished the main game twice, couldn’t be arsed with the dlc though.
For me it was just the writing. I could only take so many variations of “ha ha corporation bad.“ And I agree with them! I just needed a new joke after the 30th variation of the same punchline.
Well, we must have very different definitions of “okay,” then. That sounds like it was more than okay if you could go through the whole thing twice!