Hah. Man, you were fuming about that one for a while, huh?
I said at the very tippy top of this thread that
I know some people swear by them, I just don’t think they’re worth the space they take up as a pointer device
and later
People who like these do tend to be loud and proud about it, so they stand out more
It’s no surprise that there are people swearing by them loudly and proudly. In fact, there are more people doing that than the opposite, because most people just… you know, ignore the whole thing altogether and haven’t through about the Steam Controller in a decade.
The reason I was pulling quotes for you is that you denied the touchpad reception in the OG Controller was mixed and that Valve was presenting them as a stick substitute, which was demonstrably incorrect.
“Everyone around me says they have positive experiences with the touchpads! They’re the ones that are wrong and I am right, because… the real people just ignore them and don’t post about it!!!”
Lmao. Yeah, I’m the one in an alternate reality here…
Hah. Man, you were fuming about that one for a while, huh?
I said at the very tippy top of this thread that
and later
It’s no surprise that there are people swearing by them loudly and proudly. In fact, there are more people doing that than the opposite, because most people just… you know, ignore the whole thing altogether and haven’t through about the Steam Controller in a decade.
The reason I was pulling quotes for you is that you denied the touchpad reception in the OG Controller was mixed and that Valve was presenting them as a stick substitute, which was demonstrably incorrect.
What was I “fuming” about…? Wdym?
“Everyone around me says they have positive experiences with the touchpads! They’re the ones that are wrong and I am right, because… the real people just ignore them and don’t post about it!!!”
Lmao. Yeah, I’m the one in an alternate reality here…