Hamburgers! The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast!
Alright, what did I mess up? I can’t see anything. I’m sure I did, help me see it.
For the full resolution:
your paintings, this one and the last one were both so good that I wondered why there were two of the same picture before my eyes focused.
this series has seriously improved your technique, this is great.
Haha thank you! I love that.
I’m going to go to 16 Sammie’s and then try a family member or two. With 16 Sammie’s I can print a 4*4 grid for my office.
yhat’s such a good idea. I’m excited to see the Samosaic.
I’ll share it for sure, nothing fancy. Just stitching them together in a single image to get printed somewhere.
It’s a Royale with cheese
Look at the big brain on Brad!
A common mistake, the character name is actually Brett. Nice painting (as usual) btw :)
Doh! I had no idea. Thank you!
This is some serious gourmet shit
I don’t need you to tell me how good his painting is
I don’t think I can rif on the next line. But they argue about storing poor Marvin who did not have it coming.
Poor Marv got shot in the face. That is a hard one… Like “I buy the coffee I like, not the shit my wife buys. Speaking of, she’s gonna be home really soon so hurry the fuck up and call whoever you’re gonna call and gtfo.” Something like this.
Lol thank you!
That is a tasty painting
Do you mind if I wash some of this down with your beverage!
What does Marcellus Wallace look like?
Paint him sometime, so we all can find out.
I think the red rubber ball might be hard to get right 😂
You’re a great artist. I have faith in you.
Thank you, I’m trying to be one. Maybe one day before I die.
Look at that great skill on BallShapedMan!
Thank you!
Do they speak English in what?
… what?
English mother fucker, soy you speak it?
That is a tasty burger!
Do you mind if I wash some of this down with your beverage!
SLJ is so paintable it’s unbelivable.
Mmmmm. This is a tasty image!
Man, this is dead on. The expression in the eyes is perfect.
Thank you! I’m delighted with how well it turned out. Gave me confidence for “the stare” which I’m working on now.
Needs more Steve Harvey burger…
LOL, I joke, but seriously well done, all of your works I’ve seen!
Holy crap, what the hell! That’s amazing!
And thank you.
It’s perfect.
Thank you! 🔥🔥🔥