Took me a little while to figure out where to put the .ipk3 file (easiest is ~/.config/gzdoom) but otherwise easy enough to get going using the flatpak version of GZDoom. Installing the regular gamefiles + spear of destiny (from my GOG version) was also pretty easy, but I wonder where one can get Return to Danger and Ultimate Challenge 🤔
Either way, good shout, plays excellently, although seems like hitting enemies is harder in this version than the original, at least when they’re far away.
Took me a little while to figure out where to put the .ipk3 file (easiest is ~/.config/gzdoom) but otherwise easy enough to get going using the flatpak version of GZDoom. Installing the regular gamefiles + spear of destiny (from my GOG version) was also pretty easy, but I wonder where one can get Return to Danger and Ultimate Challenge 🤔
Either way, good shout, plays excellently, although seems like hitting enemies is harder in this version than the original, at least when they’re far away.
Here, try this. The Internet Archive is very useful, as is abandonware sites and CDRomance for your vintage gaming needs.
Wolfenstein Mission Packs 2 & 3