I wanted to maybe start making PeerTubr videos, but then I realized I’ve never had to consider my voice as part of my threat model. A consequence that immediately comes to mind is potentially having your voice trained on by AI, but I’m not (currently) in a position where others would find it desirable to do so. Potentially in the future?
I’d like to know how your threat model handles your personal voice. And as a bonus, how would voice modulators help your voice in/prevent your voice from being more flexible in your threat model? Thanks!
Create a secret passphrase - that only your family knows - that can be used to verbally verify it’s the real you and not a scam caller. Bonus points: create an alternate passphrase that can be used to signal if you’re under duress.
maybe better to use one time codes at that point, like we do with TOTP 2FA
Maybe, but if you’re burning codes in this scenario, you’ve got bigger problems to solve.