That’s not how evolution works. Evolution doesn’t have a plan, it doesn’t wait, or speed up. Evolution just happens and our human ancestors would have continued to evolve regardless of agriculture. The path that evolution takes could have been very different but it would have happened. The human species is still evolving and will continue to do so until it’s extinction.
I’m not going to get into a cherry pick our sources argument with you, agriculture is very important to humanity culturally.
Becoming an agrarian society is not what made us humans though.
An entry level anthropology course is a weird source to point at though as because I’m making biological and evolutionary argument and you’re referring to culture.
Regardless anthropological sources hold up the advent of fire and our ability to break free from simple nutrient sources and day time caloric gain AND venturing into colder regions. It allowed the dispersal of humans. Well before agriculture.
PS: fire more strongly supports the notion that humans were originally largely vegetarian, if you care to have a more salient point.
Except its scientifically proven, that our possibility tonevolve was Not from Hunting, but agricultural Farming. But great Shitpost
That’s not how evolution works. Evolution doesn’t have a plan, it doesn’t wait, or speed up. Evolution just happens and our human ancestors would have continued to evolve regardless of agriculture. The path that evolution takes could have been very different but it would have happened. The human species is still evolving and will continue to do so until it’s extinction.
It was fire ya dingus.
Fire allowed us to cook our food, making us die less from pathogens and bacteria AND making more food digestible. ESPECIALLY meat.
Agriculture was what provided our exponential expansion.
Except that all Species of Human Like apes Had that - homo sapiens, homo neanderthalensis, homo erectus etc. What US AS Homo Sapiens Sets US apart is agriculture:
It allowed is to stay in one place, developing it instead of living nomadic Livestyles in Hunter & Gatherer Fashion.
Before insulting someone on a discussion Platform, you should consider the possibility of checking their Claims yourself First.
I’m not going to get into a cherry pick our sources argument with you, agriculture is very important to humanity culturally.
Becoming an agrarian society is not what made us humans though.
An entry level anthropology course is a weird source to point at though as because I’m making biological and evolutionary argument and you’re referring to culture.
Regardless anthropological sources hold up the advent of fire and our ability to break free from simple nutrient sources and day time caloric gain AND venturing into colder regions. It allowed the dispersal of humans. Well before agriculture.
PS: fire more strongly supports the notion that humans were originally largely vegetarian, if you care to have a more salient point.
No it wasn’t.
Otherwise humans wouldn’t have been smart enough to figure out farming in the first place.
Also humans were already humans when farming was invented. We’re not pokemon.
the first crop was rare candy and evolution stones
Don’t fucking tell me what I can and can not be!
With the power of friendship I will finally become a Glurak (also screw English Pokémon names)
Modern humans are around 300.000 years old … we’ve only been farming for 10.000 years. Doesn’t quite add up.