My TV has suddenly started to interpret voice commands as if I was speaking Russian. Users on Samsungs community forum are reporting the same issue. There are users on Reddit who are also reporting the same issue.

A quick google search shows that this is worldwide, and that it started somewhere between 3-5 days ago.

What the hell is going on, Samsung?

(I am not seeking tech support or advice, just raising awareness to what is hopefully a benign problem.)

    2 days ago

    This is one of those valuable life lessons you hopefully only have to learn once. Trusting Samsung or your TV with internet access is never a good idea.

      2 days ago

      Broadly-speaking, I think that mixing microphones or cameras with remotely-connected devices is also kind of asking for trouble.

      The fact that both Ukraine and Russia have en-masse compromised security cameras for reconaissance and also both tried to get population in their own affected areas to stop using network-connected cameras seems like a really prime piece of evidence.

      That’s also why video captured by webcams can be used to obtain strategic information and why Ukraine has been warning people to stop the online broadcast of such devices. According to a report iby SSU, Russian hackers took over a couple of residential webcams in Kyiv and used the information in the January 2 attacks.

      While this might seem like an improbable scenario, it turns out that it’s a common attack tactic that’s been deployed often during the conflict. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine started, the SSU has blocked the operation of more than 10,000 IP cameras that could have been used to spy on defenses.

      Russia calls for restrictions on surveillance cameras, dating apps in cities under attack from Ukraine

      Russian authorities are warning residents in regions at risk of Ukrainian offensives to stop using surveillance cameras and dating apps out of fear that they could be used for intelligence gathering.

      According to a statement from Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD), Ukrainian forces are remotely connecting to unprotected CCTV cameras, “viewing everything from private yards to roads and highways of strategic importance.”

      If people can break into these all over during wartime, they’re probably also vulnerable in peacetime.