I thought the US was faster due to private insurances. There are quite a few memes about how socialised healthcare is supposedly slow. Are waiting times of 45 minutes normal in the US?
There is no real reason for-profit healthcare would be more efficient at anything other than generating profit. In places with publicly funded health insurance, wait times for an appointment will depend on the urgency. So, you have to call a few weeks ahead if it’s a routine checkup, but you’ll be seen immediately without an appointment if you’re dying. Also, without the profit incentive, there isn’t much of a reason to schedule too many patients on a given day, so yeah, wait times are longer in for-profit healthcare countries.
Yeah, that’s a lie often told. One of my family members has been in pain waiting for OVER A YEAR for a simple hernia surgery. Supposedly in 6 MORE months, they will be able to get the surgery.
Shit’s fucked.
Whoever said our healthcare is fast or good was totally full of shit! We have some of the best insurance you can get too. Everything is expensive and slow.
Yeah that’s not really true. It took me 4 months to see a specialist. I’ve had better luck scheduling with dentists and I can usually see one in less than a month.
Where is this?
Doctor’s offices
In which country? Palestine?
Happens all the time in the US, everyone I know has dealt with this kind of bullshit multiple times.
America for sure has this problem, and if you’re late or miss it, you get charged extra.
Also, sometimes you have to wait months or even longer for specialists and everything is expensive as fuck. Total bullshit.
I thought the US was faster due to private insurances. There are quite a few memes about how socialised healthcare is supposedly slow. Are waiting times of 45 minutes normal in the US?
There is no real reason for-profit healthcare would be more efficient at anything other than generating profit. In places with publicly funded health insurance, wait times for an appointment will depend on the urgency. So, you have to call a few weeks ahead if it’s a routine checkup, but you’ll be seen immediately without an appointment if you’re dying. Also, without the profit incentive, there isn’t much of a reason to schedule too many patients on a given day, so yeah, wait times are longer in for-profit healthcare countries.
Yeah, that’s a lie often told. One of my family members has been in pain waiting for OVER A YEAR for a simple hernia surgery. Supposedly in 6 MORE months, they will be able to get the surgery.
Shit’s fucked.
Whoever said our healthcare is fast or good was totally full of shit! We have some of the best insurance you can get too. Everything is expensive and slow.
Yeah that’s not really true. It took me 4 months to see a specialist. I’ve had better luck scheduling with dentists and I can usually see one in less than a month.