A bendy screen is useless IMHO. Even a flip phone with two screens is better.
Steve Apple isn’t the only one to blame for it, Apple just used to great success a few cultural cliches about future technology.
Still, unifying the control device and the display device is very stupid. I understand something with a normal screen for displaying information and a touchscreen for displaying controls.
Anddd now we have boring slab design, thanks Steve Apple.
But there are tries to make flip phones again with bendy screens - too fragile I think.
The biggest problem with that is sadly the most functional design also happens to be the most boring.
A bendy screen is useless IMHO. Even a flip phone with two screens is better.
Steve Apple isn’t the only one to blame for it, Apple just used to great success a few cultural cliches about future technology.
Still, unifying the control device and the display device is very stupid. I understand something with a normal screen for displaying information and a touchscreen for displaying controls.