• masquenox@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Critics see the move as an attempt to cater to the incoming Trump administration and avoid political retaliation,

    Give me a break. Since when does the billionaire parasite class have anything to fear from the US establishment?

      • masquenox@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        The billionaire parasite class ARE the people in charge.

        The fascists serve them, genius. That’s the whole point of fascism.

          • masquenox@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            Yes that’s what we’re Increasingly moving towards.

            Nope. We’ve been there for a long, long time now. People are only figuring it out now, though.

            Beware though, that all of this is a spectrum…

            The (so-called) “political spectrum” becomes perfectly irrelevant once you understand WHY and HOW our political establishments dangle the liberal carrot and the fascist stick before us.

            • fuck_u_spez_in_particular@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              Nope. We’ve been there for a long, long time now.

              To a degree yes, but the intensity changes. And I know there were times, where there was even greater inequality (e.g. Mansa Musa). Yet it’s not really comparable with the modern world, which largely relies on speculative assets, and growth.

              becomes perfectly irrelevant

              No it doesn’t, fascism is a different level than liberal establishments. Our democracies are far from perfect, but they at least have some form of control by the people, to keep power somewhat in check. Fascism is definitely concentrating on centralizing power, with the tendency to escalate (as obviously seen in the past). Also there are a lot of statistics, which show, that we were in a comparably very peaceful state for some time (since the last world war), but we’re currently getting out of that period again (though still relatively peaceful), into a more autocratic world again unfortunately.

              I’m speaking as european, where things are not (yet) that bad. The “democracy” in the USA is definitely less democratic than let’s say scandinavian democracies… And I don’t want to even begin with something like Russia or China.

              • masquenox@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                No it doesn’t,

                How many times will the liberal establishments have to blatantly show you what it truly is before you believe them? They’ve been doing it at least since 1919, but it has never been more blatant than now.

                Since you’re European, I’d like to know what thought-terminating cliches you use to explain to yourself why Germany’s oh-so-liberal political establishment has co-existed, side-by-side, with a securotocracy that was filled to the brim with Nazi war criminals ever since the end of WW2.

                You’d think the oh-so-liberal Global North being exposed red-handed funding yet another colonialist genocide would make a dent in those cliches, but I guess it’s true what the anarchists say… scratch a fascist and a liberal bleeds.

                Fascism is definitely concentrating on centralizing power,

                Fascists don’t “concentrate” power - they are HANDED power that has ALREADY been concentrated FOR them. You wanna guess who it is that concentrates it before handing it over to them? Do tell… how has police funding been doing under all these liberal regimes in Europe, eh?

                Let me ELI5 it to you so that you cannot claim nobody told you.

                The capitalist ruling elite, like all ruling elites throughout history, requires TWO things to stabilize their own power and privilege. They need a way to CO-OPT certain segments of the populace they rule over, and a way to brutally REPRESS those parts they can’t or don’t want to co-opt. Carrot and stick - no need for a fancy poli-sci degree to understand this.

                Therefore, the capitalists have developed a POLITICAL wing, which we call “liberalism,” and a REPRESSIVE wing, which we call “fascism.” That is what they have been since the start (ie, long before Mussolini gave fascism a name) - and which one you get depends on how much of a threat the capitalists think you pose to their precious world order.

                Fascism and liberalism is joined at the hip - you can’t have one without the other.

                • fuck_u_spez_in_particular@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  After all this text-wall, I’d be interested in your political attitude.

                  Fascists don’t “concentrate” power - they are HANDED power that has ALREADY been concentrated FOR them.

                  So you agree with me? I didn’t say fascists are concentrating power, but they definitely maintain it (just look at the third Reich and literally all other fascistic states). (And in reality they definitely sought after concentrating power, yet again just look at the history of the third Reich…)

                  The world is much less black and white as you depict it here. True, all the (liberal) democracies to date have their flaws and at least traces of fascism (unfortunately) growing this time again. I can rant about it all day if I wanted to (but I consider that a waste of time after having wasted too much with that already).

                  But (true) liberalism is not fascism, say what you want. After all, it’s about being liberal (I don’t consider our late-stage-capitalism liberal btw. capitalism is as we see right now in the US also concentrating power to the rich)…

                  I consider liberalism closer to anarchism (not the capitalistic kind of course). There are obviously differences, but as being liberal has to do with personal freedom, and anarchism is about being against all forms of authority, it’s per definition closer to that than fascism.

                  How it’s interpreted is a whole different story. Same with all the “communistic” kinds of states. I don’t think we ever had “real” communism, only authoritarianism with the label of “communism”.

                  • masquenox@lemmy.world
                    2 months ago

                    So you agree with me?


                    but they definitely maintain it

                    For whom? Who really wins when the fascists leave power? The very same class of people who funded them into power in the first place, perhaps? How are the descendents of the capitalists who funded Nazi Germany and Showa Japan doing these days? How are the corporations doing that coined it during the Pinochet-regime in Chile or the Apartheid-regime in South Africa?

                    That is perfectly black and white.

                    But (true) liberalism is not fascism

                    At what point was liberalism not colonialist? At what point was it not capitalist? Liberalism created the systems of wealth accumulation and labour exploitation that keeps the (so-called) “1st world” rich… so who do you think they keep around to protect all of this from the people all this wealth and labour was stolen from?

                    I consider liberalism closer to anarchism

                    Then you understand neither.

                    I don’t think we ever had “real” communism,

                    No argument here.

        • prole@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          2 months ago

          Billionaires or not, they don’t have control of state militaries (yet at least). In fascism, the state is at the top, and corporations bend the knee and become an extension of the government to be used at the whims of its authoritarian leader.

          What it ultimately comes down to is power and the capacity for violence. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, if a government can just drone strike your entire family, does it?

          • masquenox@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            they don’t have control of state militaries

            Of course they don’t. They don’t need direct control of the military. That’s what their pet political establishment is there for. You know… the political establishment who gets to decide who they will ALLOW you to vote for every four years?

            In fascism, the state is at the top

            And liberalism differs from that… how?

            and become an extension of the government

            And what did you think the Military-Industrial Complex was?

            You’re not describing anything here that differs from liberalism in any fundamental way. You’re not wrong - I just don’t think you realize the full implications of what it is you are saying.

            It doesn’t matter how much money you have,

            We’re not talking about the surgeon who lives in the nice part of town and drives a Merc here… we are talking about the capitalist class who controls ALL of our society INCLUDING it’s repression apparatus. And Trump, an incompetent capitalist nepobaby cosplaying as a fascist, needs Zuckerberg far more than Zuckerberg needs Trump. Trump knows it, and the entire US political establishment knows it.

            • prole@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              2 months ago

              Lol you just said liberalism is the same as fascism… Stopped reading there.

              Also helps when you see a user you previously tagged confirming that you were correct the first time.