He looks like a Jessica, no offense to other Jessicas.
I knew a Jessica with the same hair, only blonde
Not cool to attribute Trevor’s accomplishments to him
Why’s he starting to look like the Beast when he turns human?
He looks like he’s about to start an 80s hair metal band
Tf is this picture even
It’s my elementary school gym teacher.
No, he died trying to suck your penis
I don’t know why everyone wants Meta to stay in the “reality policing” business.
That’s one of the first things a dictator/fascist would go after. It inherently controls your reality.
Weird Al-ass haircut
You just gonna compliment the guy like that?
Oh sorry. That was meant to be neutral. I would never do Al dirty like that
All is forgiven, but next time go with “Kenny G.”
Poor Kenny G, by all accounts he’s a cool dude.
Carrot Top is available
I heard he had a rib removed but still couldnt suck it, so he had a rat penis extension added on and now he can put it in his mouth if he moves his curly locks out of the way
I heard even after the extension he was only sucking on a pube
the embarrassment killed him…
Nah dude, you’re thinkin of Trevor Moore.
That’s the guy who died having anal sex with a horse.
Mr hands!!!
Community notes: take, Androids have no need to autofellatio.
It was trying to plug its power output plug into one of its power input sockets to get “free electricity”.
I’m not sure a guy who has actually aided in multiple genocides is going to get his feelings hurt with these schoolyard insults.
I actually think the reason he and Space Karen act the way they do is because they know they can buy a lot of things, but they can never buy being cool, and that bothers them both a LOT.
That’s not Trever Moore, who died by asphyxiation trying to blow himself on Self Suck Saturday
Now this one is believable! Lol
Complains about feminine energy while looking like a middle aged woman.