I’ve sunk probably a thousand hours into Slay the Spire, have beaten Hades, and just finished Cult of the Lamb. Looking for something else to scratch that itch- preferably on switch. Any suggestions?
Update: Y’all convinced me. I bought Binding of Isaac and am excited to start. I also tried out Dead Cells via Netflix, but feel like I’d prefer it with a controller compared to mobile. Gonna start with Isaac, and wait for a sale on Dead Cells. Thank you for all the recommendations! I’m saving this thread for future reference.
I said Noita is my favourtie roguelite, but actually Heat Signature is probably tied with it. It has a completely different philosophy of soft failure.
If your character dies in space, they’re dead, but they can also be captured, then another character can rescue them. And if a mission is going sideways, you can huck a wrench through a window and fling yourself into space, as long as you’re confident you can pick yourself up with your space pod before you pass out.
It’s very fast-paced with quick runs. Each character that comes along has different traits, and you can have 4 different people on the go at once. Each character has their individual quest - which can be rescuing another character - and when that’s done you can retire them or keep them going.
It’s very open to how you want to play.
Oh! Also, if you’re trying to do your character’s big final mission and it goes wrong, usually you can bail and try again. I lost quite a few characters before I realised that.
This game is a fucking blast
And Crab Champions.
I’m not REAL into these, but every now and then I find one (usually much lighter than like) that clicks with me and I dump a few days into it before I get bored.
Dead cells was fun.
Children of Morta was pretty cool as you have a whole family to level up.
My son was playing Skul that looked fun.
This isn’t exactly a rogue like but there are some similar aspects and I find that it satisfies in the same way. The game is Backpack Battles. Available on Steam. There’s a free demo available too with full mechanics but limited character options.
This is my default game more for when I have a few minutes to relax and nothing more pressing to do
In this same vein, Backpack Hero is quite good, too! If you like one, maybe check out the other.
Pathway is fun and I think counts as a Roguelite. If you also enjoy Rhythm games I would recommend Crypt of the NecroDancer. There’s also Peglin that is pretty good. Getting off the switch I want to recommend Noita, but that game is also kinda intense in terms of both brutal difficulty and just how much stuff there is the game puts out of the way. I will also second the other recommendations for Darkest Dungeon, Risk of Rain 2, and Enter the Gungeon.
While I also strongly recommend Dead Cells like others, I think it’s best if you first play Rogue Legacy. Let’s put it this way, if Rogue Legacy is like a good cup of coffee, dead cells is cocaine, or maybe crack.
In the style of Slay The Spire : Griftlands, Monster Train, Wildfrost, Accross The Obelisk, Dicey Dungeons (kinda)
More action oriented : Risk of Rain Returns, Risk of Rain 2 (both games are awesome and quite different), Rogue Legacy 1 & 2, Gunfire Reborn, Spelunky 1 & 2
Unique : Balatro, Noita, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Cultist Simulator, Ballionaire, Luck Be A Landlord
Feel free to search about any of these games or ask some questions about them.
Would not recommend Crypt of the Necrodancer, considering barely anybody ever beats the game even by default, and then completing the full story is far too hard to not be frustrating
Can’t say it’s not difficult, but it’s not a reason to not talk about it. OP may be one of the 10% who could finish it.
For people who found it to difficult, Cadence of Hyrule is the same concept ported in the Zelda universe. It’s easier, more forgiving and if you die, you don’t have to start all over again. And its musics are awesome, Zelda music remixed by Danny Baranowski.
Binding of Isaac is some OG classic stuff if you haven’t played that one, and Neon Abyss is a fun side-scrolling game on a similar vibe. Rogue Legacy 1 (very OG) and 2 and Dead Cells are also side scrolling , with a dash of Metroidvania.
If you like Slay the Spire, Astrea is the same thing but with dice, and Monster Train also scratches the same itch.
Dead Cells?
Emphasis, perhaps, on the “lite” part of Roguelite. But it does have that Roguelike run structure where the levels and the items you find therein are randomized. But with side scrolling platforming gameplay with a very distinct set of fast double-jump-dodge-roll-parry-combo mechanics that I think can best be summed up as ninja gameplay. And you will get killed… a lot. There is a permanent progression system of a sort in the form of unlocking more weapons and items (and later, to re lock items you don’t like), but your core stats remain the same. This is one of those games where the real progression is on your own personal quest to git gud.
I think it’s pretty unique in that it has no dud weapons or items whatsoever. Everything – literally everything – has the potential to be viable and can be absolutely deadly when wielded in the right hands. Even the joke items.
It also has not one, but two weapons which involve beating the shit out of your enemies with frying pans. What’s not to love?
There is indeed a Switch version.
Highly recommended Roguelikes from personal experience or friend recommendations:
Binding of Isaac, FTL, Risk of Rain 2, Enter the Gungeon, Darkest Dungeon (my favorite)[not the second one], Monster Train, Crypt of the Necromancer (another favorite).
FTL is amazing, especially with the multiverse mod. Basically a fan-made DLC, maybe even a 1.5-quel.
Thank you! I have binding of Isaac wishlisted. I watched some gameplay of Risk of Rain and it didn’t grab me. I’ll check out the other recs.
It’s worth noting that Risk of Rain 1 and 2 are very different games (3rd person 3D vs. 2D side scroller), and both are good - so if 2 didn’t grab you, maybe check out 1 and see if that’s more your thing. (The remastered version has a lot of nice QOL stuff and some new game modes and items.)
warframe… This game has so much depth, it can suck your life away!
Sounds like you might be into top-down roguelites. Enter the Gungeon, Binding of Isaac, and Nuclear Throne come to mind.
As for games that I would recommend because I just like them, I would recommend checking out Noita, which is a physics simulation/falling sands roguelite. It’s pretty hit-or-miss, but if you like tinkering, you might like it. I’m also pretty partial towards Crypt of the Necrodancer, which is a rhythm/full roguelike genre mash. The full roguelike nature of the game makes it harder to get into initially but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty fun
I don’t think I saw anymore mention Brotato or Balatro. Both fantastic and worth every penny.
Seconding Balatro, if you loved Slay the Spire, you will love Balatro
It’s on mobile too.
My poop breaks at work have significantly increased in duration since I found that out.
If you love roguelike games, I suggest playing a great one that was directly inspired by the original: Nethack.
If you want fancier graphics, Shattered Pixel dungeon.
Having a lot of fun with Tony Rogues. It’s still in development, and will be for another year probably. However it has enough content for dozens of hours of fun!
Tony Rogues sounds like he would be friends with David S. Pumpkins