And what is the problem with that? Dont like it? Block it and move on… I dont like a lot of things i see and im not whining like a baby about it, i ignore and move on. Grow up
I know you are being technically accurate about gender identity, but we’re not talking about you, and the example here is someone posting “look at that tranny”. They are absolutely thinking about genitals.
The areas with the highest anti-trans sentiment also consume the most trans pornography.
This is the anchor point, because they only interact with trans people through pornography, they view them as sexualized at their core.
This is why there’s so much “they shove their sexuality in our faces” talk because to these people, trans people existing at all is “shoving it in their face.”
Why? Once again, because they, in their own minds, have reduced trans people to sex objects.
The important part of it is that bit that says “(beneath photo of 17 year old girl)” because it’s just a photo. To look at a photo and immediately assume what they have going on their pants is the definition of sexualizing it. It’s just an innocuous photo of a teen, and now they’ve made it sexual by thinking way too much about what kind of genitals this innocent teen has. Literally, this could be a cisgender girl, no less. They’re flat out making an assumption, the example does not say one way or another. So what, does she need to show her pussy to these people to prove she’s cisgender and stop the abuse?
What does it say about a person when they see a photo of a teen and their first thought is about what genitals they have? It says they view everything through a lens of sex, and they have sexualized this girl for spending, once again, way too much time thinking about her genitals, genitals which have no impact on them as viewers of the photo.
By jumping to her genitals, they’ve sexualized it, and that’s because they only view trans people as sex objects.
Being conservative is a medical condition that is created through a bad childhood with lacking empathy and no proper education. Republicans want to breed the next generation of their voterbase. Teen pregnancies are just one piece of that puzzle.
I’m already seeing people I know personally whining that they can’t stop using Facebook because they need it for work reasons. People will rationalize anything if it inconveniences them even mildly.
I gave mine up spring of 2016 and never looked back. Surprisingly it didn’t have to do with the election either. I remember talking to a few friends a few months later and they said I got out at the right time since it was the start of the crazies coming out of the woodwork.
I have no clue how people can be so addicted to stuff like this that they make all the excuses in the world to not go through with it.
I get the work purposes thing, but at the same time there are too many businesses without their own website where they could post more information for pretty cheap prices.
You can still cut it out from your personal life and your scrolling.
Nope, they just follow the money (hint: Trump). And they were doing that before (i.e., pretending to be diversity-friendly). Corps have no ethics nor morals, the just follow the money.
Say you’re a hateful bigot without saying you’re a hateful bigot.
Don’t worry, they’re saying it too!
And what is the problem with that? Dont like it? Block it and move on… I dont like a lot of things i see and im not whining like a baby about it, i ignore and move on. Grow up
My brother in Christ, you are whining about people expressing opinions you don’t like right now. Why don’t you ignore it and move on? Grow up.
Sexualizing 17-year olds is on with them now?
Does the Facebook cafeteria serve pizza and/or have a basement?
How is being trans sexual? Even if its using a slur to refer to them…
How is discussing a 17-year old’s genitals outside a doctor’s office not sexual?
What do people’s genitals have to do this this?
I know you are being technically accurate about gender identity, but we’re not talking about you, and the example here is someone posting “look at that tranny”. They are absolutely thinking about genitals.
Oh I can answer this one!
The areas with the highest anti-trans sentiment also consume the most trans pornography.
This is the anchor point, because they only interact with trans people through pornography, they view them as sexualized at their core.
This is why there’s so much “they shove their sexuality in our faces” talk because to these people, trans people existing at all is “shoving it in their face.”
Why? Once again, because they, in their own minds, have reduced trans people to sex objects.
The important part of it is that bit that says “(beneath photo of 17 year old girl)” because it’s just a photo. To look at a photo and immediately assume what they have going on their pants is the definition of sexualizing it. It’s just an innocuous photo of a teen, and now they’ve made it sexual by thinking way too much about what kind of genitals this innocent teen has. Literally, this could be a cisgender girl, no less. They’re flat out making an assumption, the example does not say one way or another. So what, does she need to show her pussy to these people to prove she’s cisgender and stop the abuse?
What does it say about a person when they see a photo of a teen and their first thought is about what genitals they have? It says they view everything through a lens of sex, and they have sexualized this girl for spending, once again, way too much time thinking about her genitals, genitals which have no impact on them as viewers of the photo.
By jumping to her genitals, they’ve sexualized it, and that’s because they only view trans people as sex objects.
Well, 17 is maybe a bit too old for them, but it’s better than nothing.
GOP AGs Argue Fewer Pregnant Teens Deprive States of Population Increases
Being conservative is a medical condition that is created through a bad childhood with lacking empathy and no proper education. Republicans want to breed the next generation of their voterbase. Teen pregnancies are just one piece of that puzzle.
Thanks leaded gasoline!
I don’t think I could write a single one of those sentences at the behest of an employer.
I’m already seeing people I know personally whining that they can’t stop using Facebook because they need it for work reasons. People will rationalize anything if it inconveniences them even mildly.
I gave mine up spring of 2016 and never looked back. Surprisingly it didn’t have to do with the election either. I remember talking to a few friends a few months later and they said I got out at the right time since it was the start of the crazies coming out of the woodwork.
I have no clue how people can be so addicted to stuff like this that they make all the excuses in the world to not go through with it.
I get the work purposes thing, but at the same time there are too many businesses without their own website where they could post more information for pretty cheap prices.
You can still cut it out from your personal life and your scrolling.
Nope, they just follow the money (hint: Trump). And they were doing that before (i.e., pretending to be diversity-friendly). Corps have no ethics nor morals, the just follow the money.
I suppose it always was rainbow capitalism. No way somebody with too much money for them to have to care about marginalized people would.