If a counter-terrorism intelligence analyst doesn’t read the manifestos of their targets, they can’t do their jobs effectively and should be fired. Doesn’t mean that they secretly harbor a yearning for a “global caliphate” or bombing more federal buildings.
You’d be surprised how often that actually does happen, though. And that’s why I called you naive. It’s actually a fairly massive problem, and part of the reason why outfits that do that generally share the load.
but for discussing political ideologies, you don’t need to read all the political texts to understand and discuss things. there are ways of getting at the core material with out reading the full shit.
Did I say ban?
<checks> nope. I did not say ban.
You’d be surprised how often that actually does happen, though. And that’s why I called you naive. It’s actually a fairly massive problem, and part of the reason why outfits that do that generally share the load.
but for discussing political ideologies, you don’t need to read all the political texts to understand and discuss things. there are ways of getting at the core material with out reading the full shit.
I can’t find anything related to this. Please link to examples and statistics on frequency of occurence.