video of it on if you don’t want to go to reddit through the linked page
Don’t really want to go to YouTube either, but thank you.
Jesus y’all are a bunch of lock-stepping little fascists.
You must be exhausted.
Yeah everyone knows the best crash videos are on liveleak
Hey, it actually stopped without plowing on very far at all. That’s better than what I expected to happen.
This new season of Robot Wars / Battle Bots is starting strong
You call that a smash? Stop sensationalising, come now.
A car gently tapped a thing during a turn and came to a stop.
As it turns out, the impact wasn’t too severe. The Waymo cab, to its credit, hit the brakes immediately and avoided knocking the poor little thing over. And moments later, while the robotaxi is still in a daze, the Serve robot drives away like nothing happened.
Smash seems to be overselling it.
The word “slam” has been reserved for headlines of someone giving minor criticism, can’t use that unfortunately.
They had hot, angry robot sex afterward
For revenge or for reconciliation?
It appears the video may have been sped up in the part just before the impact. I would like to see the unedited clip, I bet it was way less severe than it looked.
Sounds like a good time to use the word “bump”
Maybe even “boop”.
Where were you during the robot wars of 2025?
Begun, the robot wars have.
I hate seeing this kind of bot on bot crime
That was personal, there’s definitely some beef between them.
The laws of robotics:
- A robot shall never harm a human, or through inaction allow a human to come to harm.
- Fuck other robots though. Fuck them right up.
Oh yeah, that reminds me I wanted to replay that game.
Nah you’re good
First glance I thought that was One Must Fall: 2097, but turns out below it doesn’t even get close to that epic level.
To be fair, given its legacy now as one of the worst one-on-one fighting games in the history of the universe, Rise of the Robots probably wishes it was One Must Fall.
Every robot should have some kind of electronic blinker to let others know they’re robots. That way, we can avoid a bunch of bumps and crashes.
Nice try, skynet…
The future is now!
We’ll win the robot wars by pitting them against each other.
There should be an open communication standard that all robots use to communicate with each other.
And it will only be used for good and nothing nefarious.
How about if we had sixteen different proprietary such protocols instead?
We’d need a seventeenth unifying protocol
Aside from the obvious I, Robot movie allusion, this idea doesn’t really work in the real world because robots have to be able to detect the presence and anticipate the actions of non-robots anyway. Unless you’re willing to ban all the actual people from the street, which is unreasonable, robot-to-robot communication doesn’t actually help you.
There should be an open communication standard that all robots use to communicate with each other.
And it will only be used for good and nothing nefarious.
Oh no
We can discuss now who had the right of way.
But can we?
Do robots suddenly have rights?