I did the math, and if I suddenly gained 980,000 I could continue living my current lifestyle on 2% interest my current bank has.
If I had 1,500,000 I could live a comfortable lifestyle just off the interest.
The downside is, I’d lose my free health insurance. And my last statement, not bill, showed my treatments without insurance would have cost about 1 million dollars for the 3 month quarter.
This is why I always say if I ever got lucky enough to win big on the lottery, I wouldn’t actually stop working. Not completely.
Get a trade doing something you think you’d enjoy, become self employed, and just do it - up to you whether or not you charge for your services. I’d maybe charge rates just low enough to be believable. Maybe.
Right? So many billionaires wouldn’t even realize it was missing. Just give me $4M so I can fuck off.
I did the math, and if I suddenly gained 980,000 I could continue living my current lifestyle on 2% interest my current bank has.
If I had 1,500,000 I could live a comfortable lifestyle just off the interest.
The downside is, I’d lose my free health insurance. And my last statement, not bill, showed my treatments without insurance would have cost about 1 million dollars for the 3 month quarter.
If you’ve got that much cash, move to a first world country
This is why I always say if I ever got lucky enough to win big on the lottery, I wouldn’t actually stop working. Not completely.
Get a trade doing something you think you’d enjoy, become self employed, and just do it - up to you whether or not you charge for your services. I’d maybe charge rates just low enough to be believable. Maybe.