Can one still claim that the USA is a liberal democracy? Where do you draw the line?

    19 days ago

    You would never escape the working class tax system or justice system and those systems would be designed to prevent you from changing classes, to the point of destroying anyone with the pretensions to try

    This is practically how it functions, working class rarely becomes owner class.

    there’s no law against socioeconomic mobility.

    There is a set of laws that protect owners property, they get cash transfers from the government budgets, their legal entities get preferential tax treatment. Sure anyone can start business technically but capital is needed…

    US increasingly doesn’t have social mobility, you parents social rank correlates strongly with your own out comes.

    In Russia you will go out a window because someone powerful didn’t like your competition

    Boeing milled its whistleblower, nothing happened.

    Esptain committed “suicide”

    JFK, mlk and malcom X got killed by the ruling class.

        19 days ago

        So it’s conspiracy theories.

        Lol, they are about as valid as whatever the government is shilling. It does make one wonder why so much of government records related to these murfers are classified still…