A central theme of Walled Culture the book (free digital versions available) and this blog is that the copyright industry is never satisfied. Now matter how long the term of copyright, publishers a…
It’s not the same. There’s all those lawyers specialized in copyright. Companies that track down “piracy”. Then there’s rights owners like the Disney corporation or JK Rowling. Rights management firms. Online platforms like Getty or Adobe.
“Copyright industry” is such a weird term. Why not use the term everyone already knows, media companies.
Pretty sure everyone just calls them “assholes”.
It’s not the same. There’s all those lawyers specialized in copyright. Companies that track down “piracy”. Then there’s rights owners like the Disney corporation or JK Rowling. Rights management firms. Online platforms like Getty or Adobe.
Intellect gatekeepers. Killers of progress.
They somehow believe that ideas and concepts can be owned by one person only, barring everyone else who is doing something similar.
Freedom of thought and freedom of expression requires freedom from intellectual property.