• prole@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    2 months ago

    Because it’s all made up. It’s foolish to expect any of it to make sense or be consistent.

    First prove that this god even exists, then maybe we can have a discussion about it’s properties.

  • Buffalox@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Well you kind of have the thing reversed.
    All gods are created by man in mans image. And gods are generally exactly as selfish childish (narcissistic) and emotional as a 4 year old, because that’s the mentality of the people with the delusions that created the gods in the first place. And then the people who think they know what god is and want.

  • GodlessCommie@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I asked a Christian friend of mine how an all knowing god could be jealous or angry if they were all knowing and the actions of the people they were angry/jealous at were part of his plan.

    I never got an answer other than ‘mysterious ways’

    • HubertManne@moist.catsweat.com
      2 months ago

      1 In the beginning Man created God; and in the image of Man created him.

      2 And Man gave unto God a multitude of names,that he might be Lord of all the earth when it was suited to Man.

      3 And on the seven millionth day Man rested and did lean heavily on his God and saw that it was good.

      4 And Man formed Aqualung of the dust of the ground, and a host of others likened unto his kind.

      5 And these lesser men were cast into the void; And some were burned, and some were put apart from their kind.

      6 And Man became the God that he had created and with his miracles did rule over all the earth.

      7 But as all these things came to pass, the Spirit that did cause man to create his God lived on within all men: even within Aqualung.

      8 And man saw it not.

      9 But for Christ’s sake he’d better start looking.

      • from the aqualung album cover - jethro tull.
      • cabbage@piefed.social
        2 months ago

        One hell of an album.

        I don’t believe you
        You got the whole damn thing all wrong
        He’s not the kind you have to wind up
        On Sundays

      • Bytemeister@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        “God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs”

  • AA5B@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Why are we satisfied with the idea that God made man intelligent in his image, while being all-knowing, but not this? Isn’t this the same thing? God could have made man with emotions in his image, while being in no way limited to those emotions himself. Why would we limit ourselves to an uncaring God above all that when he could also be all-caring, all-feeling

    (Insert misogynistic crack about an all-emotional God being proof God is a woman)

  • magnetosphere@fedia.io
    2 months ago

    Going down the God rabbit hole is frustrating and ultimately unsatisfying. Every answer boils down to faith, which is basically belief without proof.

    To paraphrase someone: If God is all-good, then God can’t be all-powerful. If God is all-powerful, then God can’t be all-good.

    I probably sound like I’m being dismissive of people who believe in God. That’s not my intent. Faith can be a healthy source of strength in difficult times, and when dealing with our chaotic world. I only have an issue when blind faith is allowed to override common sense, like not getting your kids vaccinated, or drinking raw milk.

  • HubertManne@moist.catsweat.com
    2 months ago

    What gets me is in that belief god is essentially is the real person in the real world and he is the head honcho but there are other angels there. heck some things in the bible suggest other gods. definately a we oftentimes. well then our existence is created by him and he has totaly control of it. so from gods perspective our universe is essentially virtual reality. the matrix.

      • HubertManne@moist.catsweat.com
        2 months ago

        Mostly genesis but might be a few things in other old testament or something like revelation. If you insist I can go look around but the sections are either the creation area, tower of babel, or the flood. things like we or us. granted its the stuff that basically was just carried over from babylonian things. Its not until abraham that it kinda starts being its own thing.

  • Phoenixz@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    The solution to that question is easy. Your premise is faulty; there is no such thing as a god or gods. They’re man made ideas and there is literally zero evidence to support any god exists. There is loads and loads of evidence that each and every god has been created by humans.

    If there is such a thing as a god anyway, it is beyond what can ever measured and it also never interferes with human life or any physical process. In that case, it may as well not exist as it literally doesn’t do anything, making the question moot.

  • Glide@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    The answer to this is going to differ heavily from religion to religion. You’ve already been inundated with the atheist and agnostic response. Christian theology could give you a few different answers.

    The Bible could been seen as man’s interpretation of God, therefore God’s will is placed in terms we understand: emotions. Calling God jealous, angry, sorrowful, or joyful is a lot easier than asking you to understand a four-dimensional physical space. The latter is beyond your perception, much like understanding the “feelings” God exhibits, so it is simplified to terms you can understand.

    The second potential answer would be: why wouldn’t he/she be? You’ve made the assumption that emotions are bad or wrong, but if you throw out that assumption, there’s nothing wrong with an emotional God. Maybe being “beyond that” is in fact a mistake? If he/she made us in his/her image, then of course we are given emotions similiar to God. Ultimately, who are you or I to judge whether such feelings are good or bad, or make a being imperfect?

    Admittedly, I am deeply agnostic myself, because I ultimately don’t buy any of the explinations I’ve provided here. But I’ve taken time and energy to understand Western theology, rather than dismiss it out of hand, and these are the explinations I suspect you are likliest to find.

    • Dkarma@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      All religion can be dismissed out of hand. There has been literally no evidence for the supernatural ever at any time that can be verified objectively.

      Why are people like you continuing to pretend the supernatural has any bearing on reality? Astounding.

      • Glide@lemmy.ca
        2 months ago

        Your ignorance on the topic of religion is what is astounding here. Reducing religion to “the supernatural” is to ignore centuries of philosophy and social theory.

        While widely practiced religion, particularly in the Western world, has been disgustingly reduced to nothing more than a series of corporate institutions vying for social and financial power, this does not represent “religion” as a field.

        People seek an understanding of the universe, and an answer to all the existential questions they have. Many people suffer existential dread as a result of their powerlessness in the face of the unknown. Seeking answers through religion is one way to quell such concerns and fears. Whether or not you agree with it, it has provided comfort to millions of people who suffer very natural, human fears.

        People also want to know what it means to be “good” and live a “good life.” Religion has provided a number of philosophical frameworks in which to seek such answers. If you wish to dismiss all religion out of hand, you’re fundamentally discarding much of the basis for modern philosophy as well. You’re basically left with consequentialism, which has a number of serious pitfalls

        Religion is a lot more than the belief in God.

        • volvoxvsmarla @lemm.ee
          2 months ago

          JFC, thank you. I was going insane with the replies in this thread and you seem to be the only one who actually has any understanding of religion. You’re my favorite agnostic person ever.

    • Diplomjodler@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Trying to understand theology is a waste of time because it’s all made up.

      • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
        2 months ago

        Ehh, I’m gonna push back and say that, as a lifelong atheist, I have greatly enjoyed reading books on Jesus and the early church. But I’m also a history nerd, so I enjoy stuff from other times already.

        Religion is still dumb and makes people hate each other but the books are entertaining regardless.

        • Diplomjodler@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Sure. There is value in studying religion in the context of history, sociology or philosophy. But to me that is distinct from theology.

      • Glide@lemmy.ca
        2 months ago

        Theology is not a belief in God. It is a study of the belief in God, the connection between humankind and the possibility of God, and the philosophies grounded in religious doctrine. Saying that trying to understand theology is a waste of time is the same as saying that trying to understand any social science is a waste of time.

        You may dismiss the beliefs as “all made up”, but their impact on our world is very real. Is studying politics a waste of time because it’s “all made up”? Or are the arbitrary thoughts and feelings on how the world should be run suddenly more important because we’ve removed a belief that you personally disagree with?

        • Diplomjodler@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Most theology is faith based and serves the purpose of dogmatically justifying and legitimising the religion in question. And all too often cover up the abuses. Of course I’m aware that there is also theology that follows a more scientific approach but if you go by the number of practitioners, that’s surely a pretty small minority.

      • starman2112@sh.itjust.works
        2 months ago

        Trying to understand fictional media is a waste of time because it’s all made up.

        Trying to understand linguistics is a waste of time because it’s all made up.

        Trying to understand the economy is a waste of time because it’s all made up.

        Hey wait this sounds like anti-intellectualism disguised as anti-theism

      • Lanthanae@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        2 months ago

        Trying to understand theology is a waste of time because it’s all made up.

        Made up, sure, but still very useful to understand because so many people believe it.

  • jackeryjoo@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Giving a serious answer with serious consideration that follows serious rules, is impossible with religion, as all the rules are made up, there’s no consistency, and they’re all silly.

  • Seleni@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Assuming we’re discussing the Abrahamic God, He used to be much smaller in scope; in fact, He was the ancient Jewish War God, back when they had a full polytheistic pantheon. So if we’re going back to the original myths, He didn’t really create humans, nor was He all-powerful or all-seeing, or ‘above-it-all’ in general.

    (This is back in the days when Gods were more seen as local clan/town sponsors, like how Athena is the patron God of Athens. He was just a tribal patron god, one they prayed to in order to be safe and successful in war.)

    Also, back then Gods in general were written as being much closer to humans, in term of emotions and motivations—again, Greek mythology gives a good showing of this, but you can read a lot of ancient myths and see it in play.

    As Jehovah became more and more popular (due to all the wars in the region), He started to absorb many of the myths and abilities of the rest of the pantheon, which is why He seems kind of schizophrenic in the older stories. YHWH was actually the head of the pantheon, and as Jehovah supplanted Him as the ancient proto-Jewish tribes moved towards monotheism, the two Gods ended up essentially being merged with each other.

    Still, back then, while Gods were seen as powerful, they were still somewhat seen as limited and fallible. In fact even today there is a strong Jewish tradition of questioning God (albeit politely and a bit indirectly so as not to get turned into salt or whatever).

    But, as Judaism grew, and split off into Christianity and Islam, God’s followers began tack on more and more powers and abilities to make Him sound cooler (and increase the power of the Church). So that’s where the ‘all-seeing’ and ‘all-powerful’ Great-God-of-Everything business comes from, really.

    TL;DR ‘God wasn’t all-powerful and was ‘written’ to have emotions much closer to humans when those creation myths were first being told.

  • Sanctus@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Because main evolved advantageous uses for emotion. We cry, and no longer have to communicate with words that something is wrong. It is advantageous to us to be able to communicate with emotions in more than a vocal manner. Things make more sense when we consider the real reasons they came into being. “We” have probably had these emotions for far longer than we could be considered humans.