• LordKitsuna@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Let me rephrase, I’m desperate for a more open, not garden locked solution. Paying for Garmin and tomtom is just paying for a different corporation locked solution.

    It’s the same way I’m desperate for a replacement for Plex. But the closest thing, jellyfin, is terrible. It fails to match media, fails to play back certain files, and a bunch of other issues that Plex just does not have. Despite that I have donated to the project, I want to get away from plex and support something open. I want to get away from Google and support something open. But I need to be able to have a minimum amount of functionality.

    • suction@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      That’s how I know you’re really young, you spend brain cycles and time to wish for something that doesn’t exist instead of simply accepting there is no better solution right now, and make the best of what you have. I feel silly for trying to engage with you. You say you want better navigation, I tell you how to get it, then suddenly something else is the priority. It’s the same idiotic way of thought that the “I won’t go vote against fascism, because I wish there was a better democratic candidate” clowns apply to an imperfect situation. Despicably silly. Sorry.