I occasionally produce music and starting to get back into it. I just got a new machine with Windows 11. Anyways, this issue has been a thorn in my side for years. I CAN’T stand when you are browsing files through windows explorer and if you have a folder full of just audio tracks(.mp3, .wav, etc) then windows will automatically set the folder properties as “Music” - which means it shows you the track #, artist and other music related metadata it thinks you want to see. I want all my folders to have their properties set as “General Items” by default but not sure it’s even possible.
I absolutely cannot stand this and I’m determined to hopefully figure out how to turn it off - or what I’m doing wrong. If anyone knows what I’m even talking about or have any input I would greatly appreciate it 🙏
The procedure elaborated here should do the trick: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/set-default-folder-view-windows
Thanks friend. I’ll give this a go tonight. I feel like I tried a lot of these steps last night to no avail but maybe just user error. If I could delete the “music” view property template altogether I’d be a happy dude.
It isn’t complicated, just too many ifs to give a brief answer here.
which means it shows you the track #, artist and other music related metadata it thinks you want to see
I’m not on Windows 11 so I’m curious how exactly it shows this? Like it no longer shows as normal files?
No, it just switches up the columns of information it shows by default. Like instead of last modified, you get duration.
OK. I know back in the day you could go into view settings and tell it to display every folder the same. But even in Windows 10 I’m having trouble with it.
I’m fairly sure you do the same thing in 10
Hey , follow this. It’s been there since window 95.