Scientific knowledge shows that a fetus is a lump of cells with no more consciousness than an amoeba that can’t exist without the host which makes it closer to a parasite. That’s not a baby or a person. You need to actually be able to understand more than a one sentence statement to grasp the vast majority of scientific knowledge.
Those two examples are wildly different from eachother. One is a medical procedure involving theoretical children, and the other has real kids getting injured and killed.
Edit: wanted to add that the medical procedure is always to prevent a major health issue when being funded by state taxes.
More like, Schrodinger’s kids. I genuinely hope you find peace and learn to not let being pro-birth justify letting others suffer and/or die. Red tape and bans kill when it comes to healthcare, without solving anything.
Why does that matter? If the fetus cannot survive outside the womb due to genetic defects, why would I care about that when I could care about the health of the mother?
If you are absolutely certain the foetus cannot survive, and carrying it to term will give the mother a high probability of dying after giving birth due to physical complications, then an abortion is a valid medical procedure. However, this accounts for less than one percent of abortions, so unless we are arguing against that, it’s not a valid talking point.
All of those things are mass murdering children
We get it, you don’t have any scientific knowledge and only go by what religion “says”
Scientific knowledge shows that a foetus is a life
That isn’t relevant, though.
Scientific knowledge shows that a fetus is a lump of cells with no more consciousness than an amoeba that can’t exist without the host which makes it closer to a parasite. That’s not a baby or a person. You need to actually be able to understand more than a one sentence statement to grasp the vast majority of scientific knowledge.
The Bible is pro abortion anyway so they have nothing
Exactly. That’s what makes their attempts to argue so ridiculous.
The word you are looking for is ‘fetuses’.
K. I’m going to get back to work for my company that is mass murdering children by lowering employee reproductive health. (/s)
Your taxes may also go towards murdering kids, whether it be state funded abortions or bombing Gaza
Those two examples are wildly different from eachother. One is a medical procedure involving theoretical children, and the other has real kids getting injured and killed.
Edit: wanted to add that the medical procedure is always to prevent a major health issue when being funded by state taxes.
Whenever the israelis bomb the buildings, they don’t know for certain there are kids in there. They are just theoretical kids in the moment to them.
Got it I’ll just stop paying my taxes that’ll fix everything
What about when they carefully aim and shoot a child?
More like, Schrodinger’s kids. I genuinely hope you find peace and learn to not let being pro-birth justify letting others suffer and/or die. Red tape and bans kill when it comes to healthcare, without solving anything.
A successful abortion always has at least a 100% fatality rate.
Oh, so the mother’s die every time?
Even under your bad definition it’d be only 50-60% (accounting for the fact that some mothers do die)
That’ll make it 200% if they did
Why does that matter? If the fetus cannot survive outside the womb due to genetic defects, why would I care about that when I could care about the health of the mother?
If you are absolutely certain the foetus cannot survive, and carrying it to term will give the mother a high probability of dying after giving birth due to physical complications, then an abortion is a valid medical procedure. However, this accounts for less than one percent of abortions, so unless we are arguing against that, it’s not a valid talking point.