When I first started it up it was 170gb is there anyway to get it to at least 200? And what can I get rid of on an HP laptop that won’t screw it up?

  • adarza@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    i have a new hp laptop here with same specs (r3,17in,8gb,250ssd). cleaned-up and updated, with firefox, the user’s av, and a couple smaller programs, but no crud from being ‘used’ yet. ~ 172gb free.

    your goal of 200gb free with hp’s factory load is not going to happen. you will have to reinstall from a plain win11 installer usb made from microsoft’s utility.

    then after you’re installed, put windows into compact state:
    compact /compactos:always
    instructions here

    before you begin, i would highly recommend finding ‘hp cloud recovery tool’ from the windows ‘store’. install that, run it off the start menu (find it, right click, run-as-admin), and make a factory recovery usb for your model (the model number is on the bottom of the unit, usually, looks something like “63U47UA#ABA”). so you’ll need two empty flash drives. the hp recovery requires 32gb one. the windows installer one can be as small as 8gb i think.

    all that, and you’ll probably still be a little short of your goal–and that’s without updates, junk added while used, and anything you may want to put on. and also remember ssd drives function best when they aren’t jam-packed with data. so you really should be considering an upgrade for the nvme ssd inside the laptop.