He really trolling Chris Christie with this. I’m dead.
as overweight as Christie is, i’d be willing to bet Trump’s consumed far more big macs…
This is the shit post sub but can we get an instance wide rule that POTUS tweets must be linked?
I hate having to fact check all the unbelievable shit the President of the United States tweets…again.
No, linking to a page increases its lage rank on search engines. We shouldn’t be promoting Trump in the eyes of the bots
It’s r2ozma…
You really don’t gotta fact check beyond reading OPs handle.
Is that a good thing or bad thing? Haha
I have no contact for this post, but I thought Trump is the one who loves eating at McDonald’s?
Now even RFK Jr. is scarfing down McDonald’s, seed oil be damned.
Hypocrisy is the point! It’s “Fuck you, plebeians, now do what I say.”
He does. That’s why it’s slop when others have it but food when he eats it.
Projection is Trump’s favorite pastime.
Is this the american dream?
Not mine
Fat calling fat fat. You’re both a fat piece of McDonalds swilling shit, fuck off
Look how tiny those big macs appear in his giant hands. Ol Donny just jealous.
I don’t think he has room to talk. Trump’s done way more
Mcdonald’s commercialsphoto ops with McDonald’s in the area than Christie has.Nothing says Trump like Big Macs on a fancy platter.
How is this high quality trolling? And not just one fourth grader (Eric Cartman) calling another fourth grader fat?
Those are Trump’s drones trying to steal Christie’s hamberders.
If you hate Trump then don’t post his propaganda.
It’s a shit post sub, anything goes.
Besides, I love to see the Republicans fighting each other.
I mean, isn’t this in fighting?
He knelt to kiss the ring, only to get smacked in the face.
Also, ironic since it’s trump calling mc donalnds bad, while he frequently serves that slop at marquee events
Infighting? Sure I guess. It’s the same shit he’s pulled from the very beginning, winning people over by telling jokes and insulting people. He’s insulted Christy for being fat for over a decade now and they have never stopped working together.
The crudeness of his humor ingratiates himself with people and gives him the aura of a clever and witty guy. It’s just straight propaganda to improve Trump’s image and his enemies fall for it almost every time. It’s how many nominally liberal people wound up getting “pilled” by fascism.