Shall we trust LM defining legal definitions, deepfake in this case? It seems the state rep. is unable to proof read the model output as he is “really struggling with the technical aspects of how to define what a deepfake was.”

    2 months ago

    Honestly I think this is the inevitable future. There are lots of jobs where what you’re paying for is the knowledge. And while LLMs likely won’t be as good as an actual expert, most “professionals”, in my experience, both in personal professional work, as well as contracting “professional” work, are not even remotely experts, and a properly-trained LLM will run circles around them.

    You won’t be able to buy them, because machines are, for some reason, not allowed to be fallible like humans, but I can certainly see a scenario where someone takes an open-source LLM and trains it with professional materials (obtained both legally and illegally) and releases it for free, and it does a better job than 70% of “professionals”.