Starsiege: TRIBES is one of the most influential game franchises of all time. Yet despite that legacy, it has never truly reached mainstream success. In this...
Why do they figure I never played one of my favourite games?
Played that, 2, Ascend, Vengeance… was there another? Feels like there’s another I played. Also played Starsiege. And Cyberstorm. … Now I want new stuff like those. Bleh!
Why do they figure I never played one of my favourite games?
Played that, 2, Ascend, Vengeance… was there another? Feels like there’s another I played. Also played Starsiege. And Cyberstorm. … Now I want new stuff like those. Bleh!
Ragebait. Looks like it worked.
Soo ANNGRRRYYYY raaaaawrrrr!!! flails and makes exaggerated ridiculous squeaky angry noises ✊ 🐭 💢
midair 2 ?
Coooool! Thanks for mentioning that! :3
Servers are dead.
Played for 10 minutes 1v1 with somebody and then another person showed up and it stopped being fun.
There is a new Tribes game, called Rivals. Was fun for free in early access, but they put a large price tag on it so no idea about it now.