This is hardly news. Path of Exile has server queues at the start of every major launch. I think it’ll be great news if absolutely nothing goes wrong with the launch.
They have a lot of new people coming to PoE2 so it’s a good guy move to prepare people
I love poe, but the one thing that I don’t like is you absolutely need a build guide or else you’ll hit a wall and you’ll have to respec the skill tree.
I really don’t like playing somebody else’s build. It feels like you’re playing somebody else’s character.
I hope in poe2 the game respects my choices.
That wish is nice but I doubt it.
The Poe devs see the build complexity as the reason people keep coming back, to try out new builds.
This game will be more of the same, but bigger and more modern. Which for casual players like you and me, will be fun for a season or 2.
I’m ok with complexity but for the love of God let me respec in a reasonable way. Farming orbs to reset a single point at a time is nonsense.
That’s already different in poe2, they’ve made that so much easier. It’s just some gold
My happiness is immeasurable.
Waited a decade for this game hype level is insane. Unpacking rn
My friend finally convinced me to try PoE. I generally like it, but it seems… Unpolished? I dunno. Kinda stuttery. Too much going on. It’s like they’ve just accepted and (mostly) implemented every single feature request they ever got without necessarily thinking about how it should work with all the other stuff. Not really a fan of the item/jewel/currency system or the skill tree. Like, I just want to play the game and kill monsters and make things go boom, this is too much work and planning.
I do love the carnage, though… When my level 5 or 6 fighter guy swung a regular white text sword for a regular non skill attack and it took out like 5 zombies at once, that was really nice. Never did that in Diablo.
That’s my highly unscientific opinion after playing for about a week. Sounds like 2 is going to clean up and address some of my complaints, so I’m looking forward to it.
You’ll need 400+ hours of trial and errors to fully understand the game on your own.
It’s also 12 years old at its core.
I do love the carnage, though… When my level 5 or 6 fighter guy swung a regular white text sword for a regular non skill attack and it took out like 5 zombies at once, that was really nice. Never did that in Diablo.
If you think that is carnage, you should see what the end game has in store. You’ll be blasting through hordes and hordes of enemies. You can clear entire maps in a few minutes. It’s a blast!
Too much going on. It’s like they’ve just accepted and (mostly) implemented every single feature request they ever got without necessarily thinking about how it should work with all the other stuff.
I played PoE for a good few years around its release and had a lot of fun initially with the temporary hardcore leagues with new mechanics every time, but there is a good reason I haven’t come back to the game - and it’s not just that I’m kind of over the ARPG thing. Scope Creep has turned it into a convoluted mess to get back into if you’re been out of the game for a while (or never played it) and I say that as someone who typically enjoys complexity.
Path of Exile is much more flexible and advanced than Diablo - you have almost unlimited flexibility in what your character can do. Everything stacks too, so your jewel slots, ring slots, armor slots… Everything works together.
So this is not just hack and slash, you won’t actually be able to complete the game even unless you understand some of that complexity.
If you stick with it, you will have many aha moments where your character suddenly doubles his damage because you figured out a good way to build it and combine it’s items to maximize its potential.
I played a lot before but I have grown tired of it. But it probably gave me several hundreds of hours of semi-fun gameplay.
That unlimited flexibility to me is significant complexity.
I like PoE a lot and I’m rooting for them.
But I absolutely hit barriers where I can’t proceed because I built wrong. And had restart and follow a guide. That’s a normal situation for most PoE players.
This. Having a button you hit to respec would get rid of a lot of the “you did it wrong, start over” vibe that can kill it for people