“You Must Construct Additional Pylons”
“Your face, your ass. What’s the difference?”
- Duke Nukem
“Here come the test results: ‘You are a horrible person’. That’s what it says, ‘a horrible person’. We weren’t even testing for that!”
Access denied without key card.
<click> what? <click>WHAT!? <click> STOP POKING ME!**
Still sane, Exile?
Pretty esoteric but this pops into my head often (Metal Gear Solid 4):
“Brother! It’s been too long. Rejoice! We’re not copies of our father, after all.”
Would you kindly?
I will pay you to kill yourself
We’re rich!
I can’t use these things together.
“Your curves are beautiful.” “How inappropriate. Tell me more.” -Satisfactory
“Try not to cripple beneath my girth.” - Chiv2 as I was mounting a horse.
Two hundred metres.
Is down.
Arma (or Flashpoint before it). Although it’s gotten slightly better in that regard, I think. Haven’t run it in quite some time. It’s still probably the best there is for milsims though.