No… No it didn’t… But you can imagine what it would be like if it did, right?
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!
About as accidental as falling off the stairs in Russia
That only happens when they accidentally miss the window.
That can happen if you’re distracted accidentally shooting yourself in the back of the head twice.
Lol how many of us thought this immediately?
Apparently, everyone 😂
Important context:
- Data was recovered
- Plaintiff does not believe it was purposeful
- Cost plaintiff a week’s work
- Plaintiff has already spent 150 hours going through data
I sometimes work with lawyers to do discovery for corporate IT. The good news is, this doesn’t really fly in court from what my company’s legal team has told me. So either the evidence was SO bad that this was a better option for them, or they actually did shoot themselves in the foot.
A megafuckhuge IT corp who deals in data doesn’t have backups, right, RIGHT???
“All of history deleted with one stroke” - Muse
Well it was accidental so that’s all right.
It really was convenient though.
Barely an inconvenience
I’m gonna need you to get all the way off my back about that missing evidence
“Oh, silly me I seem to have deleted all the evidence. Whoops.”
Didn’t have enough tokens for the history whoops