• barryamelton@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Sims are a captive market: all enthusiasts just buy it once, and there’s limited number of enthusiasts. Companies either have finite money and resell the same sim again and again with a different coat of paint, or over promise and under deliver. Long gone are the days of a company that doesn’t need to be profitable (like Microsoft with the early flight sims, made at a loss to showcase and sell their OS), and games are more expensive to make nowadays, not less.

      To break a captive market you either increase customers (not gonna happen, in fact simmers and interest in aviation is trending down compared with the 80s and 90s), or remove the market part altogether.

      Removing the market is the solution: be need an open source sim for the community by the community. Sims and libraries that can aglutinate all work done in academia, gaming, and different styles of sims under one umbrella, bringing a symbiotic work that is way better than the separate parts. We need to pull a Blender.

      We are in 2024. Sims suck. They are barely multi threaded. They reimplement all planes again and again, losing all info in what they falsely call themselves “a sim museum”.

      We can do better.

        • barryamelton@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          In soul yes , in reality no. I mean:

          • Something with a cutting-edge game engine like Bevy: Entity-Component-System architecture, Rust, immensely multi threaded, new graphic tecnhiques like Meshlets (same as nanite tech from UE5, the other only game engine I know that has it), physically based rendering, highly performing, customizable, with good multiplayer capabilities, using new techniques of software engineering (it’s not the 90s anymore).

          • Something with a community that embraces collaboration and the new tools (again, it’s not the 90s anymore). Git forges, chat platforms, RFCs.

          • Something that from the game engine to the flight models is open to be reused across academia, different types of sims such as land vehicle sims, civil aviation sims, combat sims. Something that wants to foster that kind of relationships.

          All of this is possible, but not particularly easy. It doesn’t need to start big, just with libraries and utilities for academia and developers that one can build on top of.

          Hence why I think the formula is “Bevy + Blender + some Copyleft licensed parts (GPL) + Community”. I’ve given quite the thought to the topic, and a custom ECS engine is paramount. One that is designed for working collaboratively and not by in-house devs with UI tools for it. One that is massive in the cutting edge of tech and at the same time easy to collaborate on remotely. That is Bevy: the shortcomings (no UI tooling l for now) don’t matter for Sim games, as we normally need just one model in Blender, rigid animations, and no level editors. It also is written in Rust, is performant, a bliss to work on iteratively and grow the size of, and people are actually looking forward to work on for free, contrary to C++.

          Whatever we do, the best we can do with fellow enthusiasts is recognise that sim games are a captive market. This way we can change the Zeitgeist, and move away our attention from the hype and drama of this companies (Microsoft, DCS’s eagle dynamics, IL2’s 1C), and into collaboration.