• sudo42@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Why does this feel like another “voice assistant” that we’re supposed to talk to all day?

    If we worked from home, maaaayyybe voice control could be a thing once it’s 100%? But Boss Man wants us back at work. Are we really going to be a open-office with everyone talking to their computer like some sort of crypto bro boiler room?

    It’s sorta like the “video phone” that everyone was dying to have for decades. We finally got it and everyone went “meh”. A few grandparents use it to talk to their grandkids. Hell, most of the current generations don’t even use phones anymore.

    It’s one more technology that’s being pushed out before it’s baked and will likely be only really useful in niche applications. Really fucking good for those niche applications, but just too expensive and awkward for anyone else.

      • sudo42@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Yeah, FaceTime. But how often do people use it in practice?

        Good point about Zoom. Business clearly like Zoom for meetings, but big business is still hammering BTO hard. Will Zoom be marginalized when they finally force in-person meetings?

        Also, the last few companies I worked for that did Zoom meetings, everyone kept their cameras off.