Politics aside, why is America so racist now? When I was a kid, people were not racist. We heard about the civil rights movement and how racist people were back in the Jim Crow era, like the '50s to the '80s. But that was supposedly all past us. Now, 20 years later, everyone is back to being extremely racist again and prejudiced. So hateful of each other. Like what the hell happened?
Because people are miserable and desperate and they want to blame someone or something, and bigotry is simple and superficially satisfying.
And because some number of those who actually are to blame for their misery and desperation have self-servingly encouraged them.
People feel that their quality of life is going downhill and the propagandists presented an easy scapegoat to distract from the rich.
We should have broke off with the south when we had the chance. But, no. We tried to play fair.
It never stopped, it was just quiet about it. But now apparently it is okay to be loud.
Oh they were still racist. They just felt like they had to hide it. And now they no longer feel the need to hide.
Superiority complexes, hero complexes, tribalism, religion, influencers, up-bringing, predisposition…