So I’ve suspected I have ADHD for a while now. The symptoms just fit plus both my mom and brother have it so I’ve got a pretty strong family history.
I finally got in to see a psychiatrist and they agree that I likely have ADHD. They had me take an online test called MOXO. I won’t be seeing my psych for about another week and a half and I’m assuming that’s when I get my actual results. But it feels like I did way too well on it.
Has anyone here taken that test and how did you feel you did on it when you took it?
I did make some mistakes but it doesn’t seem like I made that many. Maybe I made more than I realize but it felt like my error rate was about the same throughout the test. I made one mistake in the initial group with no distractions and it felt like I made about 1 mistake in every set where it stepped up the distractions.
Either way I guess I’ll just need to impatiently await the results.
Yep, without the numbers it’s hard to know for sure. If you have ADHD it’s possible it’s mild or your particular blend is a little better at testing. And yeah, the wait is pretty killer.