So growing up I was the designated child watcher for cousins, nephews, friends at gatherings, etc. And I actually enjoyed it! I would come up with games we could play together that we both found interesting, the like. So I thought of maybe trying to do a side business with it.

So I was thinking about doing like a Saturday “Day camp” kinda thing for kids like 10+ and would be almost entirely outside and feature things like:

Pool - I own a town home and we have a shared pool with just like 15 other houses, so pool would be good during summer. Can have water gun battles and little contests for chasing sinkers.

Go carts - Those little go carts that are powered by hover boards for go cart races. Can get used ones for under $100 very easily around where I live. So feel like I could get 4 reasonably easy.

Laser tag - can get laser tag kit pretty cheap and can either be in the public area that’s part of my town house area, or a local park that is less than a block away and has a really good play ground that might be fun for it.

Lunch/dinner - Just thinking a big old pot of black beans, rice, nacho cheese, and endless chips for lunch, then dinner is like chili and baked potatoes. So food that is super cheap and filling but tasty for kids. Stuff like that.

Have a wireless vr headset that could work outside, but not sure.

Just different sports depending on the kids. I’m a runner so could even do games where it’s like they need to work together to catch me. Like I have a flag belt and they need to work together to catch me, since growing up groups of kids I watched always got a kick out of trying to work together to beat me.

I was thinking maybe like $50 - 70 a kid and max of 4 kids for like 8 hours? Would that be too much? Would that be something you parents might be interested in during the summer/weekends?

I understand I would want to have waivers, certifications, and the like. Like food handlers permit, life guard training (if I go to pool), cpr, all that. I’ll look into that if I actually feel like this is something I wanna do. But before caring about any of that, I’m curious if people would be interested in it at a price that would let me keep it fun but be worth it.