Privacy advocates got access to Locate X, a phone tracking tool which multiple U.S. agencies have bought access to, and showed me and other journalists exactly what it was capable of. Tracking a phone from one state to another to an abortion clinic. Multiple places of worship. A school. Following a likely juror to a residence. And all of this tracking is possible without a warrant, and instead just a few clicks of a mouse.

    5 months ago

    You know, we can talk about how batteries aren’t removable in most phones anymore, about whether or not the act of suddenly buying prepaid phones isn’t itself incriminating, any number of factors, but I really only replied to you because you were rude, not because I wanted to talk about it.

      5 months ago

      Strange. You wanna be done so suddenly after being shown how obvious the solution is.

      we can talk about how batteries aren’t removable in most phones anymore

      So don’t buy those. Buy one with a removable battery….

      whether or not the act of suddenly buying prepaid phones isn’t itself incriminating

      Go use cash, in person.

      Again, use your imagination. I refuse to believe I’m smarter than you or anyone else. These seem like obvious solutions.

      My incredulity that the person further up the thread couldn’t think of a simple solution to the issue they posed came across as rude. I’m not sorry about it. Think for a minute….

      I think everyone in the thread ultimately wants women to be able to get abortions without fear of prosecution.

        4 months ago

        Okay, so we’re quoting and refuting line by line then.

        I refuse to believe I’m smarter than you or anyone else.

        It is highly unlikely that you’re the dumbest person alive. Amusing sentence though!

        These seem like obvious solutions.

        Everything you suggest seems self evident because you supply the evidence yourself.

        wanna be done so suddenly

        I’ve regretted talking to you ever since I started! You’re rude and I would never choose to continue interacting with you in real life if this was the first time I ever heard you talk.