I’m having some personal issues causing some severe depression and anxiety. I’d like to get past this time as fast as possible, and my days are dragging on. I can’t sleep, which would be a good way to make time go fast. But I also can’t just play video games, I don’t have the motivation to play more than a few minutes and it also just makes me realize how alone I am with no friends or anyone I can connect with emotionally and I spiral into my anxiety and depression.

I can do stuff during the day, run, chores, etc. But as soon as I’m done, especially at night, I start freaking out and it seems like time stands still. Does anyone have any suggestions? Activities I can do that are mindless that will just kill time and get me through the night before I can just go to sleep?

I know this question is stupid but I’m looking for at least somewhat serious answers.

  • DontTakeMySky@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Go outside. Not in a “go touch grass” way. Explore new places and fill your days with variety and sunlight if you can. If you can’t make the time pass quickly you can at least make it more interesting. And sitting depressed in a park is a lot nicer than sitting depressed at home.

    If you’re already running, vary your route a bit, or spend some time in the middle of your run sitting outside for a bit.

    I don’t expect it to fix anything, I’ve heard enough of the “just try this and you’ll feel better” bullshit. But I hope it would at least help mix up your days a little.

    • PhobosAnomaly@feddit.uk
      3 months ago

      Unfortunately, this would be gender and/or location dependent. Great advice for daylight hours, but the society we currently live in makes it perhaps less viable for women in certain areas or countries, or even in general if it’s a particularly socially deprived area.

      Absolutely on board with the exercise thing though. I’ve taken to trying to waste time on an exercise bike - even an inexpensive one, or a normal bike mounted on a turbo trainer. I’m not expecting anyone to bang in speeds and times like Lance Armstrong on some special supplements, but a slow spin for longer periods of time is great fun… just get a good wide comfortable saddle!

      • Fal@yiffit.netOP
        3 months ago

        This is what I meant by

        I can do stuff during the day, run, chores, etc. But as soon as I’m done, especially at night, I start freaking out and it seems like time stands still.

        I run, and do activities to make the day go by. But that’s not sustainable. I’d love to be able to do like a 7 day adventure race, or try to run a ultra marathon or something crazy like that. But I’m not physically capable of that at the moment (I’m in really good shape, but not at THAT level. I run like 5-10 miles a day at most) and I’d just end up hurting myself trying.

  • Time is the one true currency why do you want to waste it? Learn to program or run linux but donr have the goal of i gotta learn this have the goal of i wanna learn this so so i do xyz fun thing with it. I mean u could always get a mindless job and u would be earning money that why ur productively wasting time. Learn to cook good food. Go touch grass and walk hell just go have a shower and go stand in the sun. Work out doesnt need to be much. Let yourself get bored let yourself reflect and think escapism leads to hate leads to suffering leads to alcoholism leads to the dark side.

    Make urself a checklist of thing to do every day. Not goals to achieve but things to do that will slowly work u towards those goals. Then aim to do more than yesterday dont stress it if u fail as long as u did soenthing.

    As Jordan Peterson would say go clean up ur room and make your bed.

    • Fal@yiffit.netOP
      3 months ago

      Learn to program

      I’m a software engineer. I make really good money. I’m off work this week, but then next week, and also the weekends.

      Go touch grass and walk

      I run every day

      Work out doesnt need to be much.

      This actually is the problem for me. Running and working out actually help. But it only kills a couple hours, and then if I do more it’s not healthy and I’ll injure myself.

      As Jordan Peterson would say go clean up ur room and make your bed.

      Are you shitting me? You’re quoting jordan peterson?

  • Bigoldmustard@lemmy.zip
    3 months ago

    Just fill your time by being the guy who replies “unfortunately this niche group of people I don’t belong to can’t use your advice” on every ask post reply. Some people really get a thrill out of it.

    Like for instance if someone asks how they can stay hydrated and somebody replies water you could say “unfortunately some people don’t have access to clean water”, and then just let the upvotes roll in because it’s technically true. It’s going to make you feel worse in the short term because you’ll know what you’re doing, but you won’t recognize that right away or maybe ever so it’s probably a viable strategy for a month.

    • Fal@yiffit.netOP
      3 months ago

      Unfortunately some people don’t have time to post that kind of bullshit on lemmy

    • whoareu@lemmy.ca
      3 months ago

      Not OP but I personally don’t have enough patience to read entire book. I just can’t. I don’t know how other people read whole book in few days.

      • SzethFriendOfNimi@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Audiobooks. Libby app for local library and countless audiobooks already covered by your library card.

        I’ve listened to/read so many books. Short ones that are 4 hours or so to entire series where each book is about 20 hours or so.

        Long drive? Audiobook. Yard work? Audiobook.

        I find myself looking forward to the mundane chores because it gives me an excuse to get back into whatever story/book I’m enjoying.

    • Fal@yiffit.netOP
      3 months ago

      I actually have started therapy. But it’s only once a week. So that doesn’t really help the time aspect. That’s more of a long game