I’m a dude, but I frequently browse BadWomansAnatomy. I was having a (calm, respectful) debate with a few users regarding how a lot of people that have “transitioned” still bear hallmarks of their former gender (I mentioned one of my long time friends who has gone from MTF and still looks the same. Kaitlin and Elliot are also good examples). The ban was because I dared to use the “dead names” of Elliot Page and Kaitlin Jenner! Oh the horror! 😱

I went to post in /r/rant how I just thought it was ridiculous and it was autoremoved because I mentioned the world “mod” in the title and I mentioned a specific community 🤣

  • NESSI3@lemmy.sdf.org
    3 months ago

    It is so true. As an old school progressive I tend to point out the aspects of modern leftism which clash with traditional progressive views and I usually get downvoted into oblivion. For example I’m not tolerant of Islamic societies that force their women to cover their faces. Well I was quickly informed that I was islamophobic but I’m not going to be bullied into changing my view under the guise of respecting other culture’s beliefs. Just because a belief is cultural does not make it righteous.

    The other day I told a user to stop needlessly censoring language in response to them stating that someone’s post title was misogynistic and demanding them to change it. The offending title had the word bitch, used the same way Jesse Pinkman used it in breaking bad. It wasn’t directed towards women in any way and the use of the word was synonymous with the word punk. Apparently that gets your post removed and your account banned on hexbear’s politics channel. How can we overcome our differences if we’re not even willing to talk about them?