• @Valmond
      77 months ago

      5 is the magic number (2 guys 3 girls) it turns and you can rely on your bro, 3 is just double work for you.

      Or whatever you like, 5 girls would be awesome too. Or 5 guys I guess.

      • @Asudox@lemmy.worldM
        7 months ago

        3 girls and 6 guys. Every girl has 3 holes so it’s perfect. Even more guys is possible if you count handjobs.

        • @Valmond
          17 months ago

          Nah they’d just pair up, that’s why 2 + 2 is boring 😁

      • Pons_Aelius
        77 months ago

        When smoking meat, it makes sense to fill up the smoker.

        You know it is not going to waste.

  • @stevecole90099@lemmy.world
    137 months ago

    Giving up. Just skipping straight to the end.

    Sure seems like a lot less work and stress than what I’ve been doing.

    But I think I’d miss my dogs way too much.

        • spicy pancake
          27 months ago

          same. I’ve come to recognize the i-get-so-angry-i-do-a-random-dream-character-murder dreams as stress dreams, just like teeth falling out, or driving and suddenly no brakes

          always feels really icky tho

          • eric
            27 months ago

            Glad I’m not the only one. Never feels good, but it would be even scarier if it did feel good.

  • @taiyang@lemmy.world
    127 months ago

    Ha, just last night I had a dream I was charged in error 600 bucks for a fancy cherro from a coffee shop that didn’t sell coffee (which I ordered not to be awkward) after I ran my card, and they refused to fix the error and kicked me out. The dream ended with me throwing a brick through their window display.

    Irl though, where would I find a spare brick in this economy?

  • themeatbridge
    7 months ago

    Publishing my book. I always think, “some day, I’m going to take the time to edit it and make it good enough to publish, and people will love it.” Then I go back to it and remember that it’s terrible and massively overwrought. I can’t even finish it much less make it good. And it’s like a dam in the creative part of my brain. I can’t think of another thing that isn’t just a lesser version of the project I thought was good but isn’t.

    This isn’t me trolling for encouragement. I’m not a writer, and I know I don’t have the focus or stamina to write professionally. This was a dalliance, and I’m happy with my life and my accomplishments. It’s just that every once in a while, I think about publishing a book.

      • themeatbridge
        27 months ago

        Thanks for sharing your experience, and you are completely right about “chop wood, carry water.” I spend a lot of time wondering if I would love or hate signing books for fans, and whether I would want to be involved in making the Netflix series or not.

        In other words, I’m not a serious writer. It’s a daydream. Intellectually, I know that even if I were to sell the book, or even self publish, it wouldn’t change my life. Thousands of books are written and published every year, and success has as much to do with tenacity as it does luck, neither of which I believe I possess is sufficient quantities. But I dream about it the way one would dream about winning the lottery.

        You put in the effort, and you should be proud of what you accomplished. Your words and ideas will live on as an indelible testament to your life. Unless it was something weird like hentai fanfic, in which case it’s probably better lost to history and you should keep that to yourself.

    • @Valmond
      27 months ago

      My lil bro is in the same situation sort of, so I drew a first page for his book to encourage him, we’ll see how it’ll turn out. Thing is we don’t care if it works or not, we’ll print a handful for the fun and that’s it. I mean if ever it happens.

      Then, who knows, maybe he’ll start writing like crazy or IDK.

      You like writing? Write. Rewrite your stuff, even if it doesn’t “fit” some book size, do a novel! 200 pages and it became a condensed 12 pages nobody wants to pay for? Good for you anyways. Drop what you’re doing and write something else. There is no one looking down on you in the evening keeping check of if you have “advanced”.

      Cheers and hope you’re finding the next line or new line!

  • DessertStorms
    7 months ago

    Having housing security.
    Renting means never having any, being disabled and on benefits means never being able to afford anything else.

    • @pikasaurX4@lemm.ee
      57 months ago

      Me at 4am laying in bed thinking about exactly how I’m going to divvy up the $100M I’m left with after taxes in an imaginary lottery win

    • ChihuahuaOfDoom
      37 months ago

      Knowing my luck I’d win the lottery where they stone you to death for winning.

    • @Valmond
      7 months ago

      I won once.

      -“Genie, when I used my wish and did win the lottery, I was thinking of like the lottery where you win a lot, not any lottery.”

    • Pyro
      17 months ago

      You’ve said the word “lottery”. I am now obligated to mention that one thread where someone details exactly why you shouldn’t win the lottery, and what to do in the unfortunate event that you do.

      Sorry for linking to the hard-r.

  • Thelsim
    77 months ago

    Well… I wouldn’t say dreaming as in “it’s a dream of mine”. But I have imagined myself from time to time to just drop everything on the spot and travel in one direction just to see where I end up.

  • @Candelestine@lemmy.world
    67 months ago

    Move overseas. I’m not totally certain, but pretty damn close. If I was going to, I could’ve after Trump became pres. Now I’m probably going to stick it out, even if things get bad.