All our servers and company laptops went down at pretty much the same time. Laptops have been bootlooping to blue screen of death. It’s all very exciting, personally, as someone not responsible for fixing it.

Apparently caused by a bad CrowdStrike update.

Edit: now being told we (who almost all generally work from home) need to come into the office Monday as they can only apply the fix in-person. We’ll see if that changes over the weekend…

    2 months ago

    Depending on what your definition of “enterprise” is, I’ve attended what was at the time a fairly large and prestigious art school that ran everything on Macs.

    They even preferred that we didn’t bring windows laptops, although after some… rather intense protests by pretty much anyone under 25 we did get to bring our own peripherals.

    Edit: I’ll also add that outside the shitty keyboards and mice, the server system they had set up with our accounts on etc was completely fine.

    Never had a single issue with it and it was my first ever touching a Mac.