In the distant future, the planet Metropolis is a peaceful utopia led by The Great Brother. His reign is threatened, however, by Graal. Graal enlists the help of a mad scientist named Dr. Kraspin, who has a plan to make unstoppable supersoldiers he calls “Humanoids.” For this he requires Kapitron, a powerful element that is kept at the Grovan Institute on Metropolis.
Probably the most Star Wars-like movie that isn’t actually part of the Star Wars franchise.
Also… “LIGHT YEARS BEYOND TOMORROW?” A light-year is a unit of length, numbnuts, not time.
I kinda REALLY want to watch this 😂
You can find it on YouTube. 😉
Yes thanks!
Thank you!
That “probably” in your first sentence is doing a lot of heavy lifting :D
I wonder why George Lucas never sued them. In some parts it’s such an obvious clone, near to a remake.
I mean, I doubt this movie made a lot of profit, so I don’t think suing them would be very beneficial?
You’re right. Could have given them credibility and publicity Lucas didn’t want to hand out.
Thanks! This looks kinda hilarious and awesome. Was able to find it on and grabbed a copy for my plex server :
The same way that a parsec is a unit of time, numbnuts!