How dare I polish and remove kludges from previous releases. 😆

Also, none of those kludges would have even been necessary if the project scope was properly defined from the start and the project manager didn’t let the users keep trickling in new requirements without also extending the deadline.

So yeah, how dare I go back and implement something the way it should have been done the first time?

    4 months ago

    This may shock and amaze you but…

    there is more than one user for your product. If you don’t know that, it sounds like you either haven’t done a user survey or you haven’t created the correct user profiles (based on that survey).

    Creating a “perfect UI” without asking users what they want is not good UX. It’s just masturbation. The user survey tells you that people want A B C, etc. and in which order. You should know exactly how your changes are going to be received when you release them.

    Imagine a restaurant that doesn’t ask you what you want. Instead the chef tells you “This is the best food possible” and just makes what they want. That’s what developing without a user survey is like.