Enough with the bad faith semantic arguments, we’re talking about groups that organize at scale on Telegram. ISIS heavily recruits and organizes on Telegram, that’s why I brought up Islamic extremism.
Any campaign of extremist violence, regardless of ideology, is a problem. Now kindly back off unless you have something of substance to say.
Yeah it always strikes me how religious extremism is framed. You rarely hear about christian extremists, who operate in the open on all social networks.
Yet, you could argue that Christian extremists have done more harm to western societies in the last 20 years than any Islamic group.
No other religions, huh? Just islam? Very telling. Nothing to say about christian/hindu/zionist terror…
Enough with the bad faith semantic arguments, we’re talking about groups that organize at scale on Telegram. ISIS heavily recruits and organizes on Telegram, that’s why I brought up Islamic extremism.
Any campaign of extremist violence, regardless of ideology, is a problem. Now kindly back off unless you have something of substance to say.
Yeah it always strikes me how religious extremism is framed. You rarely hear about christian extremists, who operate in the open on all social networks.
Yet, you could argue that Christian extremists have done more harm to western societies in the last 20 years than any Islamic group.