I started uni 2014 and I’ve still yet to finish it because of life BS. Dealing with depression / ADHD has made finishing my degree seem impossible for me to do and I feel like an absolute failure everyday because of it. I wasted many semesters attempting clases and then dropping out when my grades weren’t good.

My parents both graduated by their early 20s and had me at 23; I’ll be 29 soon and I still live with them working at a Walmart to make ends meet and even with that I’m about to be fired for poor performance. I feel depressed being there because I was given everything in life to be successful and yet I wasted my 20s away being depressed / suicidal. All of my friends all have graduated long ago and have better jobs and I get envious seeing them being successful. All I think about is splattering my brains all over the wall.

  • HubertManne@moist.catsweat.com
    17 days ago

    If it helps at all Im not sure I could go to college if I was young today. Boomers were pretty much the peak and its been worse since. Heck even young boomers had it a bit worse than the older ones. Basically the sweet spot was just missing out on the great depression. I would give advice if I had some idea of what you where trying to get a degree in or your preferences of study. I know there are fields that would be doable for me and some that are not. Try to get an associates and certs if you can or look into whatever might get you in on the trades.